School, 6.30pm
24 January 2017
Juliet Healy (JH), Kate Henman (KHen), Ali Sole, Esther Flower, Jackie Harrison(JHar), Emma Prince (EP), Liz Brookes by phone for part.
JH chaired the meeting / To Action
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting
1. Apologies for absence
Darren Ellis, Hev Cheeseman, Laura squires, Alesa Henman, Krystal Hargreaves, Christine Gay, liz brookes for part,2. Xmas update
Don’t know the final figures yet but took just over £4k, however costs are expected to be higher this year.
Good feedback
Trouble getting into and out of the hall
Have less in the hall perhaps?
Helpers liked the layout chart with the rooms to put them back as they were
Face paints were lovely
Remove bottle tombola from the hall?
Having nothing in the library helped the flow
Free game for the volunteers was very good
Tea for the volunteers was good – perhaps give them a voucher so they can get their own?
Layout changes annually keep trying to improve it
May use the new building next year but has lower ceilings so may stay in the old part of the school.
3. Mother’s day
Daff’s again – people said it went down well.
EP has ribbon and labels
EP can organise
Friday the 24th March give them to the teachers
JH will do the letter 3 weeks beforehand
JH, KHen and JHar can help wrap the daffodils
4. World book day
Story time with reception?
2nd March – very busy time with parents evening etc
EF will think if anything can be done
5. Happy circus
LB joined us by telephone
24 May Wednesday
LB is organising
Rachels who runs a design and print firm is doing the circus programme
LB and R have met – they have good ideas for content to the programme
BBQ before the circus?
Circus company sell popcorn and candy floss
We can sell drinks and sweets
Need a sub-committee – LB to lead, need 3 others – JH will assist, EP can help if ok in the evening and 2 days in the week
EF asked how many can we seat – 600
Might be able to book them for 2 days? Leave it at one for now
Need to get someone to sponsor the brochure – need someone to ring round companies
LB let EP know when to put it on the website
Put some circus posters up to drum up some interest?
6. Summer fair – June?
Festival Of Speed is 1st and 2nd July
Summer production in July second to last week
Year 6 Camp is in July too
Priory park festival 7th-9th July
Greylingwell event in July
Think we should do one – kids love it
EF to talk to Alesa about dates for upcoming events and get back to us
Date to be arranged
7. Fashion show – Feb or July?
July is already too busy
Not much going on in March – EP to find out if there is any availability towards end of march?
Parents evening 28/29 march
23rd no good
WC 13th march not the 16th
CBC – use their hall? Tuesdays are no good, any other day good?
EP ask Vic if CBC is free.
If it is ask fashion show company for dates
It was good as it raised funds for the year 6 hoodies – so we want to do it again.
Ask year 5 and 6 first again then open it up to the other years
8. Race night?
Something to consider for autumn term
November time perhaps
Pre order fish and chips – ask coast to coast to deliver them?
9. Others?
Pretty full this year. No disco at Easter this year due to building work
May do one at the end of term if building is complete
10. Update on easyfundraising
With HC
11. Donated craft items – can we use them?
LB left the meeting
Sorted out the boxes – going to use 6 boxes
EP can move it to the shed on Friday
JHar took the rest to be recycled
Need to sort the shed – next agenda item. EF to give as an idea of the date to move the shed.
12. AGM – date
Wc – 1st 8th or 15th? Usually a Thursday. 4th, 18th. 11th is sats week
EP to send round an email to find out suitable dates
13. Liz’s dry January – celebratory night out?
LB to send round an email about a date
14. AOB
AT called JH at this point – asked if to attend as EP had said to join us late. JH said the meeting was almost over so not to bother.
15. Date of next meeting
If fashion show goes ahead for March meet before half term
Wc 13th Feb, 16th the only day- Thursday – anyone free?
EP to send round email
If no fashion show – meet post half term
Week in April – not second or third week as its Easter
EP to send round email
We need to discuss Easter activities – raffle etc. so we should meet before half term.
Meeting finished at 7.35pm, thank you to everyone who attended.
All decisions taken by the School Association are voted on by the Committee at the relevant meeting.
No decisions are made solely by the chairperson or individual committee members.
PTA-UK (was NCPTA) Membership No. 33297 -
Registered Charity No. 110550