“Georgia’s Eagles taking care of All Veterans. All for one and one for all”;
The Georgia Eagles have got to stop searching for worms and starting flying high and fast to promote patriotism and responsible citizenship.
Each Eagle must be knowledgeable on flag history, etiquette, proper disposal methods, and promote the observation of patriotic holidays so our community, will wish to become an American Legion Auxiliary Member.
We must communicate information regarding flag etiquette to our local schools, our Post Home, and all public functions. Compile a list of the patriotic holidays and events and share them with your Unit. Encourage members to fly their flags; and visit your area businesses and ask them to fly flags and if possible, carry them a flag for this purpose. Be sure to keep a list and add them to your report.
Become friends with your local paper and radio stations and ask them to promote patriotic activities for you.
Encourage your members to vote and support the flag amendment to protect the United States Flag from desecration. The amendment currently reads “The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States.” Contact your state and federal representatives, asking them to support the flag amendment so you can feel comfortable by voting for them. Be willing to carry your elderly members to the polls to vote if they are unable to drive or do not feel comfortable going by themselves. Be willing the help them with the voting machines if they do not understand them.
Contact your local elementary and middle schools to see if they will allow you to visit the school and have mock elections to encourage them how important it is to vote. If you know any teacher, see if they will allow you to attend their class with this project. Hopefully, the children will discuss voting at home and it will encourage their parents to get out and vote.
We need to increase participation in the Americanism Essay Contest this year. Junior and SAL members are encouraged to participate. Encourage your children, grandchildren, relatives, neighbors, and any children you can locate in the third through the twelfth grades. The theme is “What Does Freedom Mean to my Family?” A cover sheet is enclosed for your convenience. Copies can be made to give your members. Each Unit should give a prize to each of the 5 class winners. The children usually appreciate money and metals. Most trophy shops have metals for less than $10.00. Department will give prizes to the top five state winners. It will probably be nice metals purchased from emblem sales representing Americanism and/or the Essays. . The five top winners in the state will be mailed to the Southern Division Chairman before May 1, 2015 so they will be judged by the Southern Division. In previous years, we have had one or two Southern Division winners each year. The Division award will be a citation, $50, and additional $50 honorarium added to the Children of Warriors National President’s Scholarship Fund.
We must promote pride in belonging to the world’s largest patriotic women’s organization, The American Legion Auxiliary. Encourage each member to wear their identification badges to all functions. Wear the “Honoring Their Service” button depicting the Veteran who made you eligible for Auxiliary membership. Always carry family membership applications with you at all times. We must participate in The American Legion Americanism programs. Support the American Legion Baseball Teams. Help with the statistics, man the concession stand, hold a fundraiser, and drive a team to games. Help with the Oratorical Contest and encourage your Junior Members to participate in this great program. You can also help with the contest by being a judge, timekeeper, and helping with refreshments. If your Post sponsors a Junior Shooting Sports, volunteer to help with scoring, supervising or transportation.
Georgia’s Eagles must use their sharp vision and powerful wing, to promote the excellent Americanism programs we have to offer. Let’s look good in the Southern Division and National Headquarters. Ladies, if you work and report, report, report your Unit can win a National Unit Award. Get to work now! Don’t wait until the year is over! It will be too late!
Submitted by:
The Department Americanism Committee
Carol Griffin, Jane Lawrence and Ann Parks
A big Thanks to all of the Units who have jumped out of the box running on Membership!!! We are off to a good start, but we need to keep pushing forward and get in that Membership!!!! As everyone looks at this first report I know you are thinking, “I sent in more members than are showing”! Please remember that NO NEW Applications can be processed until after September 1st. I have to pull those out and wait until this date before I can begin entering the applications. As soon as this date gets here and I get them entered, they will then be reflected on your totals on the
Membership Report!!!
Just wanted to remind everyone of that before you were worried you Membership wasn’t counting! Also please remember DO NOT Send in PUFL/VIM Members. National will not count these members towards your Membership until October. In October National will send me a report on all PUFL Members for the 2015 Membership Year and I will at this time add them in. Once Again Do NOT send in a list of their names, Do NOT include them on a transmittal and Do NOT send money for them. One more reminder, if a Junior Member will turn 18 years old before 12/31/2014 she will be considered a Senior Member for the 2015 Membership year and can no longer pay Junior dues. She will need to pay the Senior Dues Amount to continue her membership. If a Junior will turn 18 after 12/31/2014 then they must pay their dues before their birthdate to be processed as a Junior. If it is paid on or after their birthdate they will be a Senior Member.
If I can assist you in anyway with Membership Please contact me and let me know. Thanks, Krista!