Meeting Minutes

CDS Family & Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

Meeting: EMT

Date: January 17, 2012

Time: 9:00 a.m.

Location: Bivens

Date of Next Meeting: February 21, 2012

Attendance: Sam, Randy, Laura, Leslie, Gwen, Pam, Radha, Cassandra, Karen, Zeke, Peggy, LaVonya, Rhonda, Tracey

Absent: Jim, Cindy

I. Business Operations:

A. Monthly Budget (Revenue and Expenses)

1. Sub-topic: Program Budget

Discussion: Overall the total for the year is looking good.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: If you have any questions regarding the areas over budget, please see Randy.

B. Marketing and Business Development

1. Sub-topic: Car Drawing

Discussion: There is a buyer for the car for $30,000. The Board voted after the Annual meeting to do repairs needed up to $1,500 and sell the car.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: Tommy will be meeting the buyer at the end of the month in Pensacola.

2. Sub-topic: Managing Entities Update

Discussion: It appears as if Lutheran Ministries will be awarded the contract, However First Coast has filed an appeal.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: We will forward any updates we receive.

3. Sub-topic: Annual Meeting and Annual Report Feedback

Discussion: General consensus was it went well.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: We should cut down on the food for next year and make sure what remains goes to programs. Radha noted we will probably do the Annual Meeting later in January to increase preparation time.

C. Regulatory Issues

1. Sub-topic: CARF

Discussion: Peggy will distribute posters required to be posted today by e-mail notifying the Public of the upcoming CARF visit.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: We will not be certain which programs the surveyors want to visit on site until they arrive.

D. Human Resource Issues (Staffing and Training)

1. Sub-topic: Pending List

Discussion: LaVonya distributed the list.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: Please address the items noted.

2. Sub-topic: AvMed Prescription Drugs

Discussion: In follow up to a memo LaVonya sent last week, she reiterated that our AvMed Health Plan does not use Medco to provide its prescription drug coverage. Medco is only used in conjunction with the State of Florida’s AvMed Plan at this time.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

E. Annual Budget Planning and Process

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

II. Health and Safety:

A. External Inspections

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

B. Self-Inspections (Reports, analysis, and recommendations)

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

C. Incident Reports (Reports, analysis of trends, recommendations)

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

III. Quality Improvement

A. File Audits and Case Record Review (reports and recommendations)

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

B. Outcome Management (status, reports, recommendations)

1. Sub-topic:

Discussion: No discussion

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

C. Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

D. Policy and Procedure Updates and/or Review

1. Sub-topic: Manual Updates

Discussion: Sam distributed a memo regarding recent updates to the CDS Manuals.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: If you have hard copy manuals, please let Sam know by Friday that you have updated them.

E. Participant Complaint and Grievance (specific and quarterly review of trends)

1. Sub-topic:

Discussion: No discussion

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

F. Planning Documents (reports, status of goals and objectives, reformulation)

1 Sub-topic: Strategic Planning

Discussion: Sam distributed the Business Partner and Stakeholder survey results. We discovered a cliché in the Employee Survey results and could not distribute it today.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: We will send out the entire packets of the Strategic Planning results for 2011 by e-mail by next week, so it may be accessed and shared with staff.

2. Sub-topic: Accessibility Plan


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: We will be sending the updated Plan out to Managers by next week. Please see if we captured everything appropriately and/or contact Peggy or Sam with additional input by the end of next week.

3. Sub-topic: Cultural Competence Plan

Discussion: Sam distributed a draft of the Cultural Competence Plan and asked for feedback.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe: Please let Peggy or Sam know by the end of next week if you think other items should be added.

4. Sub-topic: Input Plan


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

5. Sub-topic: Community Relations Plan

Discussion: No discussion

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

IV. Risk Management

A. Risk Management Plan (exposure to loss)

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

B. Employee Concerns or Complaints

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

C. Potential regulatory audits and/or investigation of operations

1. Sub-topic:

Discussion: No discussion

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

V. Information Technology

A. Technology Plan

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

VI. Clinical/Program

A. Medical and Medication Issues

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

B. Counseling and Programming Issues

1. Sub-topic:


Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

VII. Other Business:

1 Sub-topic: Putnam Behavioral

Discussion: Sam shared that Putnam Behavior is closing at the end of the month. The department is negotiating with Stewart/Marchman Act to take over the services for Putnam and St. Johns.

Outcome, Actions, Timeframe:

Respectfully submitted by:

Sam Clark / January 18, 2012

Name Date

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