10FSinfulness and Reconciliation – Assessment A

Task One

  1. For each of the statements in the chart below tick to indicate whether it refers to original, personal or social sin

Original / Personal / Social
Some structures and customs encourage sinful personal behaviour
A refusal to accept and respond to love
Actions of groups including governments cause people to suffer oppression and exploitation
The way the catholic Church explains the presence of evil in the world
Scripture tells the story of how sin entered human experience through the choices of the first humans
Actions that weaken the right relationship we have with God, self and others

E. Read the following situations and indicate on your paper which are examples of social sin and which are examples of personal sin

  1. When Lee applies for a position as a supervisor at a youth camp the interviewing panel tell her that although her qualifications are excellent Kiwi kids won’t identify with the Asian background.
  1. Simon has brought his favourite lunch to school today. One of the others in his class has left his lunch at home and has no money for the tuck shop. Despite the fact that she has plenty Simon doesn’t share his lunch.
  1. Disappointed in her low English mark Alice starts telling stories and sharing gossip about her English teacher with the intention of damaging his reputation.
  1. Dean used to enjoy being part of the youth group in his parish but ever since a visiting speaker told the group that gay people are a threat to society and have no place in the parish Dean has felt unwelcome

Task Two

Copy and complete the following statements about Reconciliation use the word list below:

A.The Catholic ______has ______ceremonies that are known as Reconciliation ______. There are ______official rites but only ______of them are common. Rite ______involves individual preparation and ______but in ______Two, ______occurs in a group. During this group preparation ______are sung and ______is read.

E.During individual reconciliation, the person measures his/her ______next to those of ______. After reviewing them with the ______, he or she asks for forgiveness and resolves to ______his/her life. The priest gives ______as a sign of God’s forgiveness and reconciliation. The priest places his ______on the individual’s head or shoulder. ______is a prayer or action suggested by the priest. It is a ______that the individual with ______help wants to change his/her ways.

forgiveness /


/ priest / three
Penance / Christ / rites / songs
change / Rite / Scripture / two
Church / absolution / confession / hands
values / sign / One / preparation

Task Three

M.Write a paragraph about a forgiveness ceremony other than Catholic Reconciliation such as Ifoga or Hu Louita or Hohou Rongo.

E.List two ways that your chosen ceremony and the Sacrament of Reconciliation are the same and two ways that they are different

Task Four

Give the name (A) and correct Scripture reference (M) of the famous passages of Scripture that sets out human responsibility to others that is found in the Old Testament. Name one other (E) scripture reference that supports these ideals.