Ms. Fuqua & Mrs. Shepard’s

Maverick Memo

September 26th-30th

Weekly Skills:
Book: Reviewing all Allusions
Language Skill- Review Prepositional Phrases
Writing- Narrative Paper on Point of View
Math:Topic 4: Addition and Subtraction.
Summative test on Tuesday, Oct. 4th. This test will cover topics 1 -4.
Homework due: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Social Studies: MS regions
Science: Matter: Summative TEST on Wednsday, Oct. 5th / Reminders:
Signed Papers- Thursday-Return Friday
  • Word Study Summative Review Test
  • Reading Summative Test on Allusions. Vocabulary is a review and will be used in context for test.
  • Barn Party (PBIS Reward Party) 10:00-10:50
Greek Day: Oct. 6th
Science Day: Oct.7th
***All transportation changes must be written or emailed.
Word Study:
Non / Not
Over / Go above
Mis / Wrong; incorrect
De / Removal/reverse
Under / Too little/not enough
Bi / two
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In honor of that, one Germantown home game each October is designated as the “Pink Out” game. Our only home game in October is the 14thvs. Neshoba Central. The Booster Club is selling pink shirts and we hope to fill the stands with the color of awareness. Below is a link to order the shirts online. Someone mentioned a Call out? Not sure if you’re interested in doing that, but please at least place it on your sites.


Specials Schedule:
Monday: Library
Tuesday: P.E. –wear tennis shoes
Wednesday: Rotation
Thursday: Computer
Friday: Music / FUQUA News

Specials Schedule:
Monday: PE wear tennis shoes
Tuesday: Computer
Wednesday: Rotation
Thursday: Music
Friday: Library

Week of September 26th-30th

Greek Vocabulary Review

  1. Noble- possessing outstanding qualities.
  2. Obstacles- a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress.
  3. Demigod- a being with partial or lesser divine status, such as a minor deity, the child of a god and a mortal, or a mortal raised to divine rank.
  4. Envy- the feeling of wanting to have what someone else has.
  5. Invincible- impossible to defeat, overcome, or subdued.
  6. Tyrant- someone who uses power in a cruel and unfair way.
  7. Admire- to feel respect or approval for someone orsomething.
  8. Achilles’ heel- a fault or weakness that causes or could cause someone or something to fail, a vulnerable point.
  9. Pandora’s Box- a source of many troubles; something that will lead to many problems.
  10. Herculean- requiring great strength or effort.