Name: Date:

Immigration Reform

Background: The issue of illegal immigration, with its broad sub-issues ranging from mass deportation to general amnesty to the building of a 700-mile wall, have not only sparked intense controversy recently, but have been debated since the country's founding. Arizona passed a law that requires all non US citizens to carry their alien registration documents to prove they’re here legally. If not, that person can be deported. Obama’s plan to allow 10,000 Syrian refugees to enter the country has come under increased scrutiny, especially with the recent terror attacks in Paris. As legal and illegal immigrant populations continue to climb, the issue has taken on a new importance and focus.

Directions: You’ll be writing an essay that states your opinion on the issue of immigration. Here are some suggestions/topics to help guide your thoughts.


1.  Quotas – do we need them?

2.  Syrian refugees

3.  Economic impact – taxes

4.  Job Market – taking American jobs, employers who hire illegal immigrants

5.  Amnesty v. deportation

6.  Borders and law enforcement

7.  Crime and terrorism

8.  Citizenship by birth?


Here is a list of requirements for the paper.

1.  A clear thesis on opinion on the issue of immigration.

2.  The paper should be a minimum of 850 words (Works Cited is included in the word count).

3.  It must be turned into

4.  Due Date: (7th Block) 12:15 pm, Thu Dec. 3 and (2nd Block) 10:40 am Fri. Dec. 4

Rubric for a Paper

CATEGORY / Outstanding / Good / Needs Improvement / Score
Focus or Thesis Statement / The thesis statement names the topic of the essay/project, provides a strong position, and outlines the main points to be discussed.
10 Points / The thesis statement names the topic of the essay/project, presents a position and outlines some of the points to be discussed.
7-9 Points / The thesis statement names the topic, but there is no position and there is no real preview of the rest of the paper.
3-6 Points
Support for Position / Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, etc.) and explains them thoroughly. Writer anticipates opposition and provides at least 1 counter-argument. Paper convincingly proves thesis.
20 Points / Includes 3 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, etc.) that support the position statement.
15-19 Points / Includes 1 or 2 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, etc.) that support the position statement.
7-14 Points
Sources / Provided two to four legitimate and credible sources and attempted to cite them correctly.
10 Points / Provided one or two sources. Credibility of sources is questionable. Attempted to cite them.
6-9 Points / Sources are suspect and there is no attempt to cite them.
1-5 Points
Style and Mechanics / Words are chosen for their precise meaning. Sentence style fits the paper’s audience. Sentences are varied, yet clearly structured and carefully focused. There are no spelling, punctuation, or other grammatical mistakes. No slang. Reflects proofreading.
10 Points / Author makes 1-4 grammatical or spelling errors. The paper is a little awkward in its transitions, but is not difficult to read.
7-9 Points / There are 5 or more grammatical and spelling errors. The paper has no natural flow among paragraphs. Doesn’t reflect any attempt at proof reading.
3-6 Points
Deductions / Late? 40% Penalty / Every 25 words short = -1 Point / Plagiarism = 0

Rubric for a Presentation

CATEGORY / Outstanding / Good / Needs Improvement / Score
Focus or Thesis Statement / The thesis statement names the topic of the essay/project, provides a strong position, and outlines the main points to be discussed.
10 Points / The thesis statement names the topic of the essay/project, presents a position and outlines some of the points to be discussed.
7-9 Points / The thesis statement names the topic, but there is no position and there is no real preview of the rest of the paper.
3-6 Points
Support for Position / Includes 3 or more pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, etc.) and explains them thoroughly. Writer anticipates opposition and provides at least 1 counter-argument. Paper convincingly proves thesis.
20 Points / Includes 3 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, etc.) that support the position statement.
15-19 Points / Includes 1 or 2 pieces of evidence (facts, statistics, examples, etc.) that support the position statement.
7-14 Points
Sources / Provided two to four legitimate and credible sources and attempted to cite them correctly.
10 Points / Provided one or two sources. Credibility of sources is questionable. Attempted to cite them.
6-9 Points / Sources are suspect and there is no attempt to cite them.
1-5 Points
Presentation / Did not rely on slides for information. Seemed very comfortable with the information. Was able to answer questions from the audience.
10 Points / Read a couple of the slides verbatim. Seemed a little uncomfortable with the topic.
7-9 Points / Read directly from presentation format, did not seem to know the information.
3-6 Points
Deductions / Late? 40% Penalty / Every 25 words short = -1 Point / Plagiarism = 0

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Class / Class ID / Password
2nd Period Government / 10544909 / newman2
7th Period Government / 10544918 / newman7
