Supporting information for approval of CPD funding (Primary Care)
In 2016/17 the budget for CPD across our local system will take a more systematic approach to allocations. The fund will be more closely aligned tothe following areas:
- Whole workforce – support workers through to advanced practice
- Supporting the supervision of future workforce (e.g. mentorship and equivalent qualifications to support the expansion of placements in practice
- Linked to the HEE GPN nursing career framework
- Workforce development which supports the C&P Sustainable Transformation Programme STP* and new models of care
Mandatory training cannot be funded through CPD
*More information on the STP can be found at
You will be able to apply for funding to support CPD in the following topics:
Long Term Conditions – workshops or modules, ARU or other provider
Phlebotomy training for HCAs, Post Grad Centre Addenbrookes, New Queen St or other provider
Mentorship (work based or zero credits up to max £450), ARU
Minor Illness module, ARU or other provider
Minor Injuries module, ARU or University of Herts, or other provider
Non-medical prescribing L7, ARU
Non-medical prescribing updates, ARU
Understandingcontraception and sexual health module, ARU or other provider
Wound management module, ARU or other provider
Wound management / Tissue viability, Post Grad Centre Addenbrookesor other provider
Separate funding is available until the summer for FdSc Nursing (HCAs), the Fundamentals of Practice Nursing module, the ANP MSc programme. For more information on these programmes, contact Memory or Josie, your local Nurse Tutors.
We would encourage early applications to the provider for a place and to HEE for funding as many cohorts get booked up quickly.
Funding for programmes is not guaranteed. Consideration of applications will include:
- How many courses, modules,and updates that individuals have already accessed for 2016/17
- Multiple requests from nurses/HCA’s at the same practice
- Need for the training – i.e. is it linked to appraisal, revalidation, CQC inspection finding, developing the workplace into a training practice for pre- reg nurses/HCA’s, or to support primary care at scale?
To complete your request for funding, we ask that you and your manager sign up to the following conditions:
- I am aware that my employer may be liable for reimbursement of the cost of this module if I fail to attend or fail to submit any of the necessary requirements (including practice portfolios) Yes/No
- If I am unable to accept the place offered to me, I understand that if I fail to notify the university/education provider within three weeks of the start date my employer will be liable for the cost of the module Yes/No
- I am aware that I need to contact one of the nurse tutors and the course module leader
early if I experience difficulties with attendance or with submission of any assignments Yes/No
Please fully complete the template below:
Name and Job TitleEmployer
Course title + cost (£) / Date(s)
Name of course provider (e.g. ARU, Addenbrookes PGMC) / Provider's contact name and email address (for invoicing)
Has the training need been identified as part of your annual review/appraisal?
Proposed application of learning after return to the workplace?
(Please state clearly the defined need for the practice/nurse/HCA – applications will not be reviewed if each question isn’t considered)
- Is the training linked to appraisal, revalidation, CQC inspection finding?
- Is it to develop the workplace into a learning environment (to support pre-registration nursing students?)
- Is it linked to patient or local system requirements
The form must beemailed to the Nurse Tutor (see email address below) with the employer copied in – this will confirm employer agreement to the training. Forms emailed from only the ‘learner’ will not be processed
- I fully support my member of staff attending this course and have agreed this has part of their personal development plan.
- I am aware that reimbursement for the cost of this course / module / study day will be sought from my organisation should the above learner fail to complete or attend (as above).
Name (Manager/Practice Manager):
Please email your form to Memory and Josie at
Pre-registration placements
With 33% of our nursing workforce approaching retirement in the next 5 years, supporting new talent to experience GPN is vital. Without exposure to placements, pre-registration students will not consider primary care nursing as an option for employment in the future. We would encourage practices to consider their whole teams’ capacity to support learners in future.
To better understand our capacity as a system, we are collecting data to be able to better understand student nurse training capacity within the primary care workforce. We would be very grateful if you would provide the following information about your workplace.
How many Nurse Mentors at your practice (please note both current ‘live’ and out of date)
Do you have any nurse sign-off mentors at your workplace? (please note both current ‘live’ and out of date)
Would you like one of the nurse Tutors to meet you to discuss supporting a pre-reg student within your practice?
If yes – please provide a contact email/phone number……………………………………………………………….
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