Super Duper Music Looper (SDML)

How to save student songs in a school network environment.

By default SDML will save all student songs in the 'My Songs' folder under the Application installation folder.

This is usually 'C:\Program Files\Sony\Super Duper Music Looper 2.0\My Songs'. However, SDML can be installed in any folder on any drive you choose. So if you install the program on local drive 'D:\Sony\SDML' , then your song files will be saved in the 'D:\Sony\SDML\My Songs' folder. All the songs you save have the extension .sdml

If you can give students (even temporary) write access to this folder, all should work fine. For backup and restore, the whole can be wrapped in a startup script which copies their songs into this folder before executing SDML, then copies them back on exit. Here's an example of how it could work:

(Please modify the batch file below for your particular network, but something like the example below should work ok)

e.g. if %student% is the student's home directory path, the following should work in a batch file or could be modified for a Windows script:


@echo off

[grant write access]

copy %student%\*.sdml "D:\Sony\SDML\My Songs\"


copy "D:\Sony\SDML\My Songs\*.*" %student%\*.*

[revoke write access]



You would then always run SDML from this script (call it sdml.bat for example), rather than the normal start menu shortcut or desktop icon.

I would also recommend using a program like 'CD-ROM Emulator', or 'Virtual CD' to use as the required CD image of the program disk, to avoid having to always load the original disks in local CD-ROM drives. Your school may already have such a program.

If not, Binary Designs can supply a 5-user education version of CD-ROM Emulator for $97.00, or a 25-user for $356.

Len Henderson

Binary Designs

January 2008