Lesson 9: Calming Tools
My Happy Place and Guided Imagery
Lesson Purpose and Objective:Visualization is a vital part of the relaxation process. If we can visualize a calming scene or a place that gives us joy and peace, then we can elicit some of the same feelings as actually being there. Deep breathing is always incorporated to relaxation techniques. There is much science and research behind the benefits of relaxation techniques. Please refer to the book used in the activity for research.
Lesson:1. Lesson: Students engaged in discussion to gain a deeper understanding of what their Happy Place could entail. Their Happy Place could certainly be a place they’ve been to before. I think this is often helpful as they have more of a connection to true feelings of being there. They could also add in elements of fiction/fantasy. The main purpose is to imagine a scene where they would be somewhere or doing something that would elicit feelings of happiness, calmness, relaxation, safety, comfort: all green zone feelings.
2. Activity 1: Students received a blank copy of the “My Happy Place” worksheet (image below) and were given time to draw out their Happy Place as they saw it in their mind.
Activity 2: As a supplemental activity, students engaged in a Guided Imagery Relaxation Technique called Rainbow Walking from the book, Ready... Set... R.E.L.A.X: A Research-Based Program of Relaxation, Learning and Self-Esteem For Childrenby Jeffery S. Allen. This Guided Imagery Technique furthered their development of visualization by asking the students to close their eyes and imagine floating down different ribbons of the rainbow, while stopping to note an experience on each ribbon (ie. “Step to orange and picture a bright orange sunset filling the sky.”) At the end the students were guided to step into their Happy Place and see it in their mind.
Book Overview:
Ready... Set... R.E.L.A.X: A Research-Based Program of Relaxation, Learning and Self-Esteem For Children by Jeffery S. Allen. Beyond reviewing the causes of stress, this book equips children ages 5 to 13 years old with tools to overcome anxiety and other emotions through the use of music, muscle relaxation, and storytelling to promote learning, imagination, and self-esteem. This fully researched program is used across the country by teachers, counselors, parents, and medical professionals as a preventive tool and intervention strategy. The 66 scripts focus on the following themes: R=Releasing Tension; E=Enjoying Life; L=Learning; A=Appreciating Others; X=X-panding Your Knowledge.
3rd grade students draw their Happy Places. A Happy Place can be anything from a relaxing vacation spot (pictured by the student on the left) or doing something you enjoy doing like playing sports (pictured by the student on the right).
Students experienced time where they could engage in a Guided Imagery Relaxation Technique where I shut the lights, they closed their eyes and were only mindful of the words I read to them. Relaxation techniques provide students with the practice of blocking out stressors and allows them to focus on their breathing and imagery to regain positive feeling states.
My Happy Place worksheet
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