A Raisin in the Sun


Introduction- Research assignment

Directions: You will work in an assigned group on an assigned topic (see topics below). The group goal is to find background information as well as information concerning the physical and cultural setting of the play we are about to read, A Raisin in the Sun. The novel is set in Southside Chicago in the 1950’s & 1960’s.

Task: Your group will need to find at least 5 facts about your topic. You will then create a visual such as a: poster, handout or short Powerpoint presentation (max. of 10 slides). You will also prepare a brief (3-5 minute) presentation on your topic. Use the following question words to help you determine the most significant facts about your assigned topic:








1.  Fair Housing Laws/White Flight/Block Busting

2.  Segregation/Jim Crow Laws- History & Background

3.  Assimilationists

4.  Life in Chicago in the 1950’s & 1960’s

5.  Women in the 1940’s & 1950’s

6.  Women in the 1960’s & 1970’s

7.  Life insurance

8.  Lorraine Hansberry

Research & Preparation Days (in library/lab): ______& ______

Presentation Day: ______

Group members:



PowerPoint Pointers:

-  Title slide must include: Topic, Group members & a visual/picture/graphic

-  Informative slides must include:

-  Title/Heading (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? A question)

-  At least ONE visual/picture/graphic on EACH slide

-  NO more than 3 bullet points—NO sentences (use only words/phrases)

-  Concluding slide must include: Sources used (website addresses)

Fair Housing Laws

-  Neighborhood integration, like school integration, has proven to be a long and painful process; there are still incidents of backlash against it today. Can you think of any current examples in our community or our nation? Do you think the process of neighborhood integration has been/is successful or a failure that simply confirms the grim reality of life in the ghetto?

-  explain/trace the history of: neighborhood integration

-  explain: The Great Migration (began during WWI- 1960s)

-  define/explain: White Flight / Block Busting

-  define/explain: Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Rights

o  Explain a Housing Discrimination Complaint

o  Check out the website: HUD (www.hud.gov)-- Fair Housing

Segregation/Jim Crow Laws- History & Background

-  define/explain: Segregation

-  explain history reference to: Jim Crow Laws (provide examples & dates)

-  define/explain: Civil Rights (provide examples, leaders & dates)


-  define/explain: assimilation (in reference to society)

-  define/explain: Melting Pot theory (in reference to society)

-  Who were the “assimilationists”?

-  Who were the “New Negroes”?

-  Might want to tie in activists like: Malcolm X and/or Marcus Garvey—beliefs?

-  What words or phrases mean the same thing as- assimilation? (provide synonyms)

-  Why might someone condemn listening/singing Blues music as being an act of assimilation for African Americans? Explain.

Life in Chicago in the 1950’s & 1960’s

-  Focus on Southside Chicago (if possible)

-  Describe basic demographics in the City of Chicago during this decade- population, housing, workforce

-  Describe life in the city during this decade- important events? People/locals?

-  Who were the city leaders during this time? Their beliefs?

-  What events/challenges were impacting Chicago & its citizens during this decade?

-  What major social issues were people discussing during this decade?

-  Research & list popular: musicians, songs, tv/radio programs, celebrities

U.S. Women in the 1940’s & 1950’s

-  What were some common expectations for women during this time period in terms of:

o  Relationships—marriage? sex? children?

o  Education

o  Finances

o  Career

-  What styles/fashions were popular among women of this time period:

o  Hair

o  Clothing

o  Accessories

-  Consider the following and if/how they had an impact on the lives of women during this time period:

o  Major news stories

o  Political events & leaders

o  Social problems/reforms

U. S. Women in the 1960’s & 1970’s

-  What were some common expectations for women during this time period in terms of:

o  Relationships—marriage? sex? children?

o  Education

o  Finances

o  Career

-  What styles/fashions were popular among women of this time period:

o  Hair

o  Clothing

o  Accessories

-  Consider the following and if/how they had an impact on the lives of women during this time period:

o  Major news stories

o  Political events & leaders

o  Social problems/reforms

Life Insurance

-  Explain WHY a person would want to purchase life insurance?

-  Explain WHEN you/others would collect life insurance?

-  Explain WHO would collect the life insurance?

-  Explain the difference between: Term life vs Whole Life insurance

-  Choose a reputable insurance website and research either monthly/yearly life insurance rates— provide examples of cost

Lorraine Hansberry

-  Born & raised

-  Childhood

-  Family background/history

-  Education

-  Life as a writer

-  Death





