Instructor:Ms.Heather Lawler2009-2010 Academic Year

Email: oom: 250

Phone: 201-343-6000 ext. 2022

1. Course Description

Gateway Seminar prepares students for participation in the Senior Experience program and the college application process. Emphasis is placed on practical, business-related skills applicable to your senior year internship and in-depth personal reflection relevant to the college application process.

2. Weekly Assignment Schedule

WeekDescription of ActivityAssignmentPercent of grade

1Overview of CoursePresentation 5%

2Introduction to Résumé Draft of Résumé5%

3Naviance SessionFinal draft of Résumé5%

4Cover Letter Writing WorkshopFinal of Cover Letter10%

5Introduction to InterviewingInterview Worksheet 10%

6Mock InterviewsInterview with teacher10%

7 Expressing GratitudeThank you Letter5%

8College Application ProcessList of Prospective Colleges10%

9Introduction to College Essay Short Answer College Essay 10%

10NetworkingLong Answer College Essay 10%

11Senior Experience GuidelinesSenior Experience proposal5%

Online submission of documents 15%

  • Your FINAL documents for Gateway must be uploaded onto Naviance as well as brought to class (hard copy). Documents are stored digitally for you and your counselor.
  • See a list of Senior Experience internships at:
  • Plan for college using Naviance at:

3. Grading - Performance is graded on a scale of A to F. It is expected that assignments will be turned in on or before due dates. Late assignments will result in lowering of grade. Grade is based on quality of portfolio, timeliness in meeting deadlines class participation.

4. Course Outline

A. Introduction and Course Overview: Senior ExperienceCollege Applications

B. Résumé Writing

C. Business Letter Writing

D. Interviews

E. College Essay Writing

F. Networking: Making Connections

G. Senior Experience: A Decision-making Process

5. Instructional Material- class content posted at

Students must come to class prepared witha folder or binder of their Gateway work and a pen.

6. Course Goals

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Prepare a perfectly typed and well-designed Résumé.
  • Write concise and articulate letters of application and thank you letters.
  • Understand the interview process, participateand evaluate in interviews.
  • Prepare detailed and thoughtful responses to common application essay prompts.
  • Define networking and explain its importance to the Senior Experience process.
  • Identify a particular area of interest to pursue as a Senior Experience.
  • Develop a tentative project proposal with a preliminary list of possible mentors.

7. Evaluation

As a seminar, this course is discussion-driven and requires active participation in class.

In addition to class participation and regular attendance, final assessment is based on a portfolio that includes error-free drafts of the following material:

  • Business letters: cover letter and post-mock interview thank you letter.
  • College essays: addressing the questions on the common college application.
  • A perfect final copy of your Résumé, both hard copy and a digital version
  • Mock interview feedback/assessment form.
  • A tentative internship/project proposal for senior year.