National Association of HBCU Title III Administrators, Inc.
2015 Technical Assistance Workshop - San Antonio, TX
Applied Compliance and Accountability Session – June 24, 2015
Perry Herrington, Clark Atlanta University
Tori Willis, Arkansas Baptist College
Regulations and Laws
Distributed to all Activity Directors
- Shared with employees funded by the grant
- Shared with grant program coordinators or employees who assist with grant administration
Distributed to Grants Accounting Offices
- Ensure Business and Accounting employees who administer fiscal responsibilities of grant are aware of regulations and laws that govern the grant
Policies and Procedures
Title III Handbook
- Does your handbook cover all your policies and procedures including: grant employees, grant evaluation, property and equipment, records management, grant budget management / budget revisions, procurement, travel, consultants, etc.
Title III Meetings
- Meet at minimum once a quarter to reiterate policies and procedures, address concerns, provide updates/changes/new information, and share information about grant activities to encourage collaboration.
Equipment and Inventory
What are the institution’s policies?
- Does these policies cover the grant legal requirements?
- Do you keep an internal inventory list?
- Do you conduct site visits to ensure equipment is located according to your inventory list?
- How often do you reconcile your inventory list with your institution’s records?
Grant Fiscal Management
How do you manage your budget internally?
- Do you have access to your institution’s budget system (Banner, Peoplesoft, Jenzabar, etc)?
- How does your Activity Directors track expenditures and budget balances?
- How do you ensure vendors have been paid and the timeliness of those payments?
How do you track your federal budget balance?
- Do you have access to G-5?
- Does your grant accounting office provide G-5 reports?
What are the institution’s policies?
- Does these policies cover the grant’s legal requirements?
- Does your procurement office verify that vendors are not on the debarment and suspension list?
- How do you handle sole sourcing?
Do you have documentation for all funds expended?
- This documents proper approvals (approvals based on your written policies and procedures) for all expenditures
Do you have documentation for any budget revisions?
Do you have Time and Efforts for all grant funded employees?
Do you have an Inventory list of equipment and supplies according to your written policies?
Do you have your completed and submitted Annual Performance Reports?
Title III Program Operation Plan
Make sure you are spending according to the approved budget
Track the task on the Implementation Table
- Are the activities performing these task in the time-frame written?
Track the progression of the objectives to ensure day-to-day operations of the activities moves them towards completion
Applied Compliance and Accountability Session – June 24, 2015
Compliance Checklist