Starting on February 4, 2014 - I-9’s will be done electronically. Our college policies on getting approval to make an offer are not changing. The I-9 policy of an employee completing Section 1 on or before their first day of work, the employer reviewing original documents and completing Section 2 of the I-9 within 3 business days of the date of hire are also not changing.

The basic steps for CALS units will be:

1)Unit completes the new hire transaction. You will need to put in a reasonable start date since the employee will only get notification to complete the I-9 after this transaction makes its way to Systems Control – see CALS Procedure in the Personnel section of our website on CALS Approval to make an offer for Staff and Appointed. You will also need the employee to accept their offer several days in advance of their start date in order to get the I-9 process started.

2)CALS approves the new hire transaction which will route to HR and Systems Control. Some will have to route to the Provosts office so you will need to allow sufficient time for all approvers

3)Once approved by Systems Control the New Hire Form will launch the I-9. Employee will get an email notification

4)Employee does I-9 Section 1 on-line and submits it

5)I-9 routes electronically to I-9 HRdepartment approver (new, specific role). This will show in your pagelet.

6)I-9 HR department approver completes Section 2 after reviewing the original documents and submits the I-9

7)Unit will send CALS a copy of the documents with both the MSS transaction number and I-9 transaction number written at the top (don’t write on a sticky note as sometimes they fall off)

8)I-9 routes electronically to College approver for E-Verify

9)CALS will do E-Verify and then send the E-verify confirmation and the copy of the documents to Systems Control

10)I-9 routes electronically to Systems Control

11)Systems Control will verify documents and then approve employee for MSS

12)Unit will see the employee active in MSS

Uaccess Provisioning Roles

  1. I-9 Department Approver– units must have a least two people set up in this role. This is the person who will see the original documents (passport, driver license, SS card etc.) and complete section 2 of the electronic I-9
  2. Department role is REQUIRED for all CALS units
  3. Responsible for reviewing original I-9 (identity and employment authorization) documents; and
  4. Responsible for completing I-9 – Section 2 no later than 3 business days from the new hire’s employment start date.
  5. I-9 College/Division Approver– CALS Admin will have this role
  1. College/Division approval - provisioned to facilitate the E-Verify process
  1. I-9 Department Reviewer – OPTIONAL ROLE– can review only
  2. Receives e-mail notifications when MSS I-9 is approved/saved by the I9 Department approver
  3. I-9 College Reviewer – OPTIONAL ROLE
  4. Receives e-mail notifications when MSS I-9 submitted by the new hire

Elevated Privileges Training

  • Elevated Privileges training is a prerequisite for ALL individuals provisioned with I-9 approver and reviewer roles.
  • AUAccess Analytics report located at DashboardSecurity is available to determine whether individuals have previously completed the Elevated Privileges training.
  • Individuals who have not completed the Elevated Privileges training within the last year may do so at the following website:

Please make sure that anyone you want provisioned has had elevated privileges training

As a side note - There will be a By-pass button on the New Hire transaction form that will allow you to bypass doing the I-9 electronically and submit via paper (same as we do now). This is to be used on an exception basis only and can only be done at the timethat the new hire form is submitted (see step one above). This option is only available for remote hires and should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Please note that this electronic I-9 is date-stamped so the date a form is submitted cannot be changed.


  • The I-9 cannot be submitted until the Personal Information Form is complete
  • I-9 will route separately from the rest of the hiring request. It will have its own transaction number and its own unique I-9 approvers.
  • I-9 can be returned for error correction at many points along the way unlike other MSS documents.
  • After the I-9 Department Approver completes Section 2 the top portion of the I-9 displays the I-9 transaction# as well as the employee sign date and the hire date. You will be alerted with a warning if the I-9 is out of compliance (hire date is prior to the employee completing Section 1).
  • An employee must have accepted an offer of employment before you can begin the I-9 process.
  • I-9 Change of requested start date
  • Systems Control can change the start date if the actual start date is delayed but you must notify CALS prior to having the start date changed. CALS will request that Systems Control make this change
  • If the I-9 date (date employee completes the I-9) does not match the hire date per USCIS guidelines (is after the start date) you must contact CALS and Systems Control Immediately.
  • All fines incurred will be the responsibility of the department.
  • Academic Faculty and Graduate Assistants/Associates will be given a contract rate adjustment and their hire date will be equivalent to the I-9 Employee signed date