Science 10 Motion Project
In this project, you will demonstrate an understanding of how scientists develop a new technology or use experimentation to improve a technology related to motion.
Specific Curriculum Outcomes
  • devise a method of representing the linear motion of two moving people or objects (215-2)
  • develop appropriate sampling procedures for determining speed of an object's linear motion (212-9)
  • use instruments such as ticker timers, photo gates, or motion sensors effectively and accurately for collecting data (213-3)
  • identify and explain sources of errors and uncertainty in distance, time, and speed measurements and express results in a form that indicates the limits of accuracy (214-10)
  • describe quantitatively the relationship among distance, time and average speed of an object's linear motion (325-1, 212-7)
  • identify areas of further study related to science and technology of motion (117-8)
Project 1 The Motion of Everyday Objects
  • Design an experiment to test a question related to the motion of an everyday object. For example:
  • What is the maximum velocity or acceleration of a skateboarder on a ramp?
  • What is the effect of different wheel sizes on the performance of a vehicle (bicycle, car, wheelchair, etc.)?
  • What is the largest loop that a hot wheels car can make?
Project 2 Design Challenge
  • Build a model car powered by a rubber-band or aballoon that will travel at least three meters and race it.
You may present your project as ONE of the following:
A poster including images and/or graphs with a single page report OR
A 2-3 page report with images and/or graphs

Your poster/report will include the same information as a standard laboratory report or a design report.

Create distance-time graphs of motion using actual data collected in your experiment.

Calculate the average velocity for several trials and indicate the fastest average velocity achieved.


Friday, April 13:Partner Selection, Project Selection, Initial Research

Tuesday April 17Construction/Testingand recording data

Thursday, April 19:Testing and recording data (refinements as needed)

Monday,April 23: Project report or postercompletion

Day 1: Initial plan (5 pts)

Partners or individual Name(s): ______

Describe the specificproject that you have chosen and outline your plan to build and test your idea. You may include a diagram.

  • Students will be expected to distinguish between scientific questions and technological problems related to a motion research topic (115-1)
  • Students will be expected to evaluate the design of a motion technology and the way it functions with relation to safety, construction, and cost (118-3)
  • Students will be expected to evaluate the role of continued testing in the development and improvement of a motion technology (114-3)

Day 3: Testing (5 pts)Name(s):______

Explain how you will determine the average velocity of your car and how you will obtain a graph of its motion on a 3m “race”. You may include a diagram. You must complete THREE trials. (4 pts)

  • devise a method of representing the linear motion of two moving people or objects (215-2)
  • develop appropriate sampling procedures for determining speed of an object's linear motion (212-9)
  • develop appropriate sampling procedures for determining speed of an object's linear motion (212-9)
  • use instruments such as ticker timers, photo gates, or motion sensors effectively and accurately for collecting data (213-3)
  • identify and explain sources of errors and uncertainty in distance, time, and speed measurements and express results in a form that indicates the limits of accuracy (214-10)

Day 4 Report or PosterName(s):______


3 neatly drawn graphs (4 pts)

easily visible graph showing changing position during the test/race

On graph paper

showing correct labels of each axis (distance and time)

showing units ( m and s)

Analysis of the graphs (4 pts)

A paragraph written in complete sentences

Identify whether the car showed constant velocity, acceleration or deceleration

Assess whether the car moved similarly in each trial

Assess whether the graphs are accurate or not and explain why

Show a calculation of average velocity for each trial

Analysis of the design(4 pts)

A paragraph written in complete sentences

Identify whether the car performed adequately (completed the 3m “race”)

Describe problems with the design of the car that affected its motion

Describe any other problems with the car (cost, safety, durability)

Improvement of the design(4 pts)

A paragraph written in complete sentences

Suggest at least three improvements that could be made to go faster or further

Suggest any improvements that would make the car more durable or cheaper to build

Suggest any improvements to the testing method (to get more accurate graphs)

  • describe quantitatively the relationship among distance, time and average speed of an object's linear motion (325-1, 212-7)
  • Students will be expected to distinguish between scientific questions and technological problems related to a motion research topic (115-1)
  • identify areas of further study related to science and technology of motion (117-8)
  • Students will be expected to evaluate the design of a motion technology and the way it functions with relation to safety, construction, and cost (118-3)
  • Students will be expected to evaluate the role of continued testing in the development and improvement of a motion technology (114-3)
  • identify areas of further study related to science and technology of motion (117-8)