This completed form should be sent directly to the church for which the candidate is applying. This "media" version of the PDF is an outline of contents for placement on a word processor and use in E-Mail.
1. Full name:
2. Preferred mailing address:
3. Phone: (Area Code) Home-- Office--
4. FAX:
5. E-Mail:
6. Date and place of birth:
7. Ordination date and denomination:
8. Education: (Give name/place of institution, degree(s),
graduation date, major)
Graduate training
Special training
9. Christian Service (Please give, in order, the churches or fields
served, dates began and ended):
10. Other experience (professional, business, or other, with dates):
11. Present ministry (Describe fully; list full compensation, including
salary, housing, etc.):
12. Describe your experience with a congregation you have served
(programs, challenges, spiritual growth, pastoral concerns, etc.):
13. Comment briefly on those areas of church work where you feel
most competent, and/or from which you receive the most
satisfaction. What do you consider your weaknesses to be?
14. On each of the following topics, please describe in a paragraph or
two, your opinions/view-points/special interests/personal
A. Ecumenism
B. The Individual and Jesus Christ
C. The Church in Society
D. Evangelism
E. Christian Education
F. Church Administration
G. Work with Other Ethnic/Cultural Groups
H. International Congregations
I. Lay Ministry
15. What is your understanding of Church Membership?
16. Baptism: Briefly describe your understanding of it and how you
usually administer it. Would you personally have difficulty baptizing
infants? Would you have difficulty baptizing adults?
17. The Lord's Supper: Briefly describe how you celebrate this
Sacrament, incorporating your understanding of it. How
could/would you accommodate diversity of views regarding the
meaning of The Supper and the mode of distribution?
18. What is your understanding of the meaning of "interdenominational"
as compared with "non-denominational"? The meaning of
19. Would you feel comfortable working in an inter- or multi- or
non-denominational, or ecumenical setting? Explain.
20. A. Sermon delivery method: (circle)
Manuscript Outline Notes Without notes
B. List titles, topics and texts of several recent sermons:
C. Do you have or have you had a radio ministry? TV?
D. Please send a video (preferred) or cassette tape of a recent
sermon to WarsawInternationalChurch.
21. A. What has been your prior experience in traveling/living
Describe as fully as possible, giving dates and places.
B. Have you had experience with International Congregations?
Describe fully.
22. What language(s), other than English, do you use? (Indicate
fluency in speaking, reading and writing.)
23. Do you possess a valid passport? Expiration date:
24. Marital status:
A. Single
Married (Date of marriage: )
Divorced (Date of divorce: )
B. Spouse's full name:
C. Children: (Identify those accompanying you overseas, giving
name, school grade, birth date)
D. Other dependents who will accompany you overseas.
25. Describe your health and your family's health. Any limitations?
26. List your hobbies and recreational activities.
27. What specific objectives have you set for yourself for the next five
28. References: Give name, address, telephone and FAX numbers,
and E-Mail address of at least five (5) individuals acquainted with
you and your work.
Include a denominational judicatory contact and at least one other
27. Enclose a one page (single-spaced) autobiographical statement,
devoting half to your childhood-youth.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
If a candidate is married, the SPOUSE may supply this data.
1. Name:
2. Describe your vocation:
3. Independent of your spouse, what overseas living experiences have
you had?
4. A. In what country/area of the world would you find it difficult to
live? Explain.
B. What kind of situation would you consider untenable for
yourself/family? Explain.
5. Describe your anticipated role in an overseas congregation where
your spouse serves.
6. What specific objectives do you have for yourself for the next five