· Implementation of BIC Niš Sustainability Plan – 2008
Project objective is to secure implementation of the BIC Nis Sustainability Plan. The incubator has an aim to generate new jobs and new enterprises through development of start-ups and entrepreneurs. BIC Niš is in its fourth year of operation with important task to become less dependant on donors support and more orientated toward market. (Implementing partners: City of Niš and SINTEF)
· Entrepreneurial Training Programme – 2008 (Ongoing)
Project objective is to raise the entrepreneurial capacities and business skills of approximately 180 selected participants, former military officers, and to help them start their businesses for which they were awarded PRISMA start-up grants. (Partners: International Organization for Migrations and SINTEF)
· Capacity Building for the Ministry of Defence – 2008 (Ongoing)
The Project objective is to increase capacities of the Ministry of Defense related to SME business incubation and support to the redundant military which want to start their businesses. (Partners: International Organization for Migrations and SINTEF)
· ENTRANSE 2005 -2008 (Completed)
Overall objective of ENTRANSE Project was to generate new jobs and new enterprises through development of environment for entrepreneurs, enterprises and SME institutions in the Republic of Serbia. Major outcome of this project is creation of BIC Niš and establishment of strong entrepreneurial network inside and outside its physical walls. Also, important cooperation between tenant companies from BIC Niš and Norwegian business partners has been established. (Implementing partners: Government of Serbia, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and SINTEF)
ENTRANSE 2004-2008
ENTRANSE Project has been approved by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affaires (NMFA) in December 2004 and soon after, its implementation started. The Project was a part of general Memorandum of Understanding, signed between Government of Kingdom of Norway and Government of Republic of Serbia. Ministry of Economy and Regional Development was the National Lead Partner and the project owner. SINTEF Technology and Society was assigned by the NMFA to be the International Lead Partner. ENTRANSE was completed on 30 June 2008.
ENTRANSE project was mainly focused on following activities:
o Development of Business Incubator in Nis
o Support to the matchmaking activities
o Preparation of Programme for Business Incubators and Clusters Development in Republic of Serbia 2007-2010
o Institutional building for the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development and Serbian Agency for SMEs and Entrepreneurship
o Development of the Entrepreneurial Training Programme and necessary documentation for incubator establishment and management
o Support to innovation activities – Preparation of the Application for the Competitiveness Innovation Programme (CIP) of EU for the Establishment of Enterprise Europe Network in Serbia.
o Monitoring and evaluation activities of the Cluster Development Project
In Focus:
· Business Incubator Centre Nis (BIC Nis)
The major component of the project was to establish and develop pilot Business Incubator Nis and transfer accumulated experiences and lessons learnt to the national level and other incubators in Serbia.
BIC Nis primarily targets it support to the business start-ups with a growth potential in the Nis region. It is available to companies in an early stage of their establishment which are in production or production-related services businesses. These businesses need to show the growth potential and prospects for new employment in the near future. BIC Nis offers space facility, office services, production equipment, and soft services, i.e. training programme, business idea analysis, market potential and access to financial resources. In the first year, BIC Nis is supporting tenants free of charge. As of second year the services are provided under non-commercial conditions.
BIC Nis was officially opened on 30th of September 2005. The majority owner is the City of Nis (99%). It is located in premises of Mechanical Industry Nis.
For further details about the Business Incubator Center Nis please visit
Government of the Republic of Serbia
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia
Privatization Agency
EU Integration Office
Serbian Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Entrepreneurship
Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency
Serbian Business Registers Agency
Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund
Custom Administration
Tax Administration
Securities Commission
National Bank of Serbia
Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Belgrade Stock Exchange
Belgrade University