Belle Vale Junior Football - Under 9 League

Xavs start with Magnificent Seven to bring in the new year!

Sunday 11th Jan 2009

Fitwell Warriors 0 – 7 Xavs Juniors

As the score line may suggest, this was not an evenly contested game, but apart from the resounding margin of victory there were many positives to be taken from this fixture.

Dylan Fox-Ford’s hatrick, a brace from Matt McGimpsy, and goals by Tom Jensen and Joe Clinton ensured Xavs took all points on offer.

Despite the Christmas break, Xavs started this match full of energy; any threat of too much turkey seemingly cancelled out by the lads’ exertions during Christmas training camp in sub-zero temperatures. Their enthusiasm was matched by their intelligent play, with defenders, midfielders and attackers all making good use of the ball and supporting their team mates.

Despite having the bare 8 players available, and using 2 different outfield players as goalkeeper in either half, Xavs showed good discipline, keeping their shape, stringing passes together and creating space for each other.

A well organised Fitwell team were a yard short on the day, which Xavs fully exploited. Particularly dominant in midfield, Xavs closed down their opponents quickly,tackling tenaciously, they drove forward in waves, spreading the play wide and stretching the opposing defence. Xavs hard work and smart play in midfield was constantly rewarded by the sharpness of their strikers on the day, who played as a unit, showing the unselfishness expected of any team.

Although Warriors kept Xavs at bay until well into the first half, the opener signalled an onslaughtto which Fitwell had no answers. The vital first came courtesy of good work by Joe Clinton, who released Steven Jones on the right wing to provide a telling cross, which allowed Matt McGimpsy to pounce onto a goal-bound shot saved well by the keeper, such alertness from the striker will guarantee many more goal scoring opportunities in future matches.

Deft footwork and a crisp strike saw Dylan Fox-Ford get his team’s second and the first of his hatrick!

Three nil before half time came courtesy of Tom Jensen’s right boot. Following good build up play, young Jensen strode onto a loose ball, dispatching firmly into top right corner from a position just inside the penalty area.

Half Time: 0 - 3

The second half started at the same tempo as the first had ended, with diligent defensive work by Ryan O’Boyle, ably assisted by Tom Jensen who replaced Adam Mossman (replacement goalkeeper). Mossman added to an increasing string of impressive performances, before volunteering for duty between the sticks; a rare error in judgement in an otherwise outstanding season (maybe he just wanted to wear gloves because it was cold)!!!

While it was pleasing to add a further four goals in the second period, it was the manner of Xavs play that was so encouraging. The team kept their discipline, stretching their opponents with clever direction changes, link-up play and overlaps by wide men.

Further shots by Alex Lewis, Jones, Fox-Ford, and McGimpsy went unrewarded, but the quality of their strikes demonstrated each players’ ability, when they show this more consistently, stronger opposition will be punished by a Xavs team that has plenty to be optimistic about for the remainder of the season!

Team Sheet:

Alex Lewis, Adam Mossman, Ryan O’Boyle, Joe Clinton, Steven Jones, Tom Jensen, Dylan Fox-Ford, Matt McGimpsy

Man of the Match – Matt McGimpsy ……. it is very rare that a hatrick hero is eclipsed by a team mate, but McGimpsy showed levels of sharpness seen too infrequently this season. Nonetheless, his eye for a pass, crisp striking of his shots, and general leading of the line, not to mention his brace of goals, secured him this deserved accolade.

Next Game: Paschal OLA v Xavs Jnrs ……….. Sun 18th Jan 2009, 12.30

[Details of all fixtures to be found on BelleVale Junior league’s own web site, address as follows: