#1 ID TEST! Research Who, What, When, Where and Significance. Below is an example. It is worth 30 points. Fill-in-the-blank, matching and full description required on quiz.

EXAMPLE: 1. encomienda system: (Late 15th and 16th century)Who: The Spanish crown created the system to organize Indian labor, and was administered by colonial lords.What: A labor system, theoretically reciprocal, with the lord protecting the Indians while gaining the product of their labor (feudal). The book discusses the fact that the reality of this relationship was much more harsh than the theory. Became a form of slavery.When: First encomienda system established in Hispaniola 1493, used throughout most of the 16th century. NEEDS a specific date–the “1490′s” would not be acceptable.Where: Within the Spanish colonies.NOT acceptable to put”United States” as where-duh!(S) Demonstrates a very different form of interaction with the Natives than that eventually taken by the English, i.e. exploitation of labor, mixing/intermarriage, extensive efforts at conversion. Eventually proved unsustainable.SIGNIFICANCE is the most important part–how did the term affect history? What was the impact?

TERMS: Bacon’s Rebellion, The Great Awakening, Virgina Company, Destruction of the Indies,The Bay Psalm Book, Glorious Revolution, Bloudy Tenet of Persecution, Toleration Act, Halfway Covenant, New Lights, encomienda, mercantilism, proprietary colony, Sovereignty and the Goodness of God, Poor Richard’s Almanac

#2 ID TEST Terms

NW Ordinance of 1787

Land Ordinance of 1785

Proclamation Line of 1763

Albany Plan of Union

1790 Intercourse Act

Benjamin West

Alexander Hamilton’s Report on Manufactures

VA Declaration of Rights

Whiskey Rebellion

Alien and Sedition Acts

Judith Sargent Murray

Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817


Panic of 1819

John Jay


Charles G. Finney

Treatise on Domestic Economy


Margaret Fuller

Market revolution

Declaratin of Sentiments

An Appeal to the colored citizens of the world

Tammany Society

LeCompton Constitution

Know Nothing Party

Gibbons v Ogden

Specie Circular

Francis Cabot Lowell

Wilmot’s Proviso

Whigs-circa 1830s America


Tenure of Office Act

National Women’s Suffrage Association

Union League

Slaughterhouse Cases

Credit Mobilier scandal

Special Field Order 15

Medicine Lodge Treaty

A Century of Dishonor

Dawes Severalty Act

Wounded Knee Massacre

Tuskegee Institute

What Social Classes Owe Each Other

Gospel of Wealth

Chinese Exclusion Act

American Federation of Labor


Progress and Poverty by Henry George

Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy

Ida B. Wells

Coxey’s Army

Eugene V. Debs

Expansion by Josiah Strong

How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis

Florence Kelley

Shame of the Cities by Lincoln Steffens

The Masses by Max Eastman

Ludlow Massacre

Father Coughlin and Huey Long (consider their impact together)

Fair Labor Standards Act

Indian Reorganization Act

Muller v Oregon


Executive Order 9066

Feminine Mystique

Operation Wetback

Eugene “the Bull” Connor

Fred Shuttlesworth


La raza

My Lai massacre

Riesman’s The Lonely Crowd

Limited nuclear test ban treaty

TonkinGulf resolution

KentState shootings

Fulbright’s The Arrogance of Power

Jackie Robinson