Minutes: November 9, 2017


Karren Cowing, Alison Freeman, Ole Jaeger, David Polito, Sharon Trabona,Jim Coombs, Transfer Station manager, and Geoff Birdsall


Ole Jaeger moved and Alison Freeman seconded acceptance of the October 12, 2017 minutes. There was a clarification of the cost from Northeast Security for video surveillance. With this change, the minutes were unanimously accepted.

Sharon Trabona noted that in the May 11, 2017 minutes there was a statement that “motion-activated video surveillance of the Transfer Station (TS) was installed and operational”. She did not think that statement was accurate. Jim Coombs noted that it was correct at the time, but the video camera did not function correctly for very long.


The e-waste invoice was $86.45.

The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection was held on October 21st in Brunswick. Alison noted that about 20 units of HHW was disposed of by Georgetown residents.

$36,351 has been expended for hauling and tipping as of October 31st. Ole noted that it was bulky waste that accounted for most of the waste in October. Jim said there has been a lot of shingles brought to the TS.

The Committee agreed to give “Gift of Bath” gift certificates to the volunteers who so kindly help at the TS. At the December meeting Committee members will sign thank you cards.


Jim Coombs said that it was difficult with the power outage on Wednesday, November 1st because the compactor could not operate without power.

Jim informed the Committee that he has been called for jury duty starting January. If he does serve on a jury, a substitute may be needed on Wednesdays.

The steps to the metals have not been repaired yet so Jim has been calling Jeremy Blaiklock, who is supposed to do the repair.

The Committee continued its discussion of what, if anything, to do regarding increased surveillance of the TS to discourage trespassing and stealing.


The Committee set up the TS calendar for 2018:

  • Memorial Day - Monday, May 28, 2018 open
  • Independence Day - Wednesday, July 4, 2018 open
  • Labor Day - Monday, September 3, 2018 open
  • Columbus Day - Monday, October 8, 2018 open


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Thursday, December 14,2017 at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Karren Cowing

Cc: Solid Waste Management Committee members, Selectmen, Town Office