Coldfall Avenue

London N10 1HS

Tel: 020 8883 0608

Fax: 020 8442 2189


Head Teacher: Mrs EB Davies

11 May 2015

Dear Year 4 Parents and Carers


Guidelines from the Department for Education state that it is no longer necessary to ask parents for individual consent forms for activities and excursions that are carried out during the school day. These are considered an integral part of the curriculum. Should parents wish to withdraw their child from any trip or activity, they can do so by putting this in writing to the school.

We are attaching a form covering permission for all such trips and activities throughout your child’s time at Coldfall. The form will be included in the welcome pack for all new Reception children and children joining in-year.

You will always be informed about forthcoming trips and there are certain activities that are not covered by this consent form (e.g. the Year 5 trip to Paris or the Year 6 residential trip) which require separate permission. At the same time, you will be informed about any payment required, packed lunches, clothing, parent volunteers etc. Details of forthcoming trips will also be posted on the year group pages of the school website (under The Curriculum).

We hope you agree that this will save time and the risk of lost letters and permission slips. We would be grateful if you could complete and return the attached form promptly, giving any medical information that we need.

Please return the completed form to the office by Friday 15th May.

Many thanks for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely

Mrs EB Davies

Head Teacher


Coldfall Avenue

London N10 1HS

Tel: 020 8883 0608

Fax: 020 8442 2189


Head Teacher: Mrs E. B. Davies


Please sign and date the form below if you are happy for your child [insert child’s full name and class] …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

a)  To take part in school trips and other activities that take place off school premises; and

b)  To be given first aid or urgent medical treatment during any school trip or activity.

Please note the following important information before signing this form:

·  The trips and activities covered by this consent include;

o  all visits which take place during term time

o  adventure activities

o  all off-site activities for nursery

o  off-site sporting fixtures during the school day

·  The trips and activities NOT covered by this consent include;

o  any residential trips and trips abroad

o  off-site sporting fixtures outside the school day

o  any other trips or activities outside the school day

The school will always send you information about forthcoming trips or activities but will not ask for individual consent forms. Written parental consent will NOT be requested from you for off-site activities during school hours, for example: visits to local amenities, trips to central London museums, tube and bus and mini bus travel, as such activities are part of the school’s curriculum and take place during the normal school day.

There may, however, be a cost involved which will need to be paid for online, via the school’s website. You may withdraw your child from any of the trips or activities by letting us know in writing, although, we would not encourage this.

Please complete the medical information section below (if applicable) and sign and date this form if you agree to the above.

Medical information

Details of any medical condition that my child suffers from and any medication my child should take during off-site visits:





