S5 Elective(D/G)

L / T / P / C
3 / 0 / 0 / 3

Objectives: To provide sound knowledge in the electrical network theory.

Level of the course: Understanding & Analysis Level


Sl no / Code / Title of course / Credit
1. / EEU 201 / Electric Circuit Theory / 4

MODULE I (11 hours)

Review of Network functions for the one port and two port – Poles and Zeros of network functions – Restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving–point functions – Restrictions on pole and zero locations for transfer functions - Network functions for ladders – Network functions for general networks – Symmetrical two port reactive networks as filters – Attenuation and phase shifts in symmetrical networks – Lattice filters - Low pass, high pass, band pass and band elimination filters.

MODULE II (11 hours)

Elements of realizability – Realizability of one port – Hurwitz polynomials – Brune’s positive real functions – Properties of positive real functions – Properties of Hurwitz polynomials – Necessary and sufficient conditions for positive real functions – strum’s test for positive real functions – Driving - point synthesis – Elementary synthesis operations – Synthesis of LC driving-point functions.

MODULE III (10 hours)

Synthesis of RC and RL driving–point functions – Properties of RC network functions – First and Second Foster forms of RC networks – Properties of RL network functions – First and Second Foster forms of RL networks – First and Second Cauer forms of RC networks – First and Second Cauer forms of RL networks.

MODULE IV (10 hours)

RLC one terminal-pair network synthesis – Minimum positive real functions – Brune’s method of RLC synthesis – The method of Bott and Duffin – Actual realization difficulties – Two terminal–pair synthesis – Some properties of -y12 and z12 – The coefficient conditions – Zeros of transmission – The LC ladder development - Zero shifting by partial pole removal – Zero producing by complete pole removal – The RC ladder development.


1.  Umesh Sinha, Network Analysis& Synthesis, 5th Ed, Satyaprakashan, 2001.

2.  Van Valkenburg M.E: Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis, John Wiley & Sons, 1962.

Reference Books:

  1. Van Valkenburg M.E: Network Analysis, Prentice Hall India, 1989
  2. Dov Hazony, Elements of Network Synthesis, East West Publishers, 1971.
  3. Franklin F Kuo, Network Analysis and Synthesis, John Wiley, 2001