Note: District Conference Planning Committee (DCPC) is accountable for conference, negotiates hotel contract and has control.
Host Squadron Guidelines:
- Rely on previous host squadron and conference team for input
- Look over Conference Planning Manual. Ask DCPC questions.
- Organize a good team as early as possible. Get many involved.
- Host Squadron Committee should consist of Chairperson, treasurer, meal reservations person, registration team, ships store chairperson and social / PR chairperson as minimum team.
- Have the Treasurer set up a separate bank account for conference.
- DCPC will propose a budget to host squadron. Host squadron will draft a budget and send their budget to DCPC Chairperson.
- District Rules:
- DCPC will work very closely with you and provide guidance.
- Interface primarily DCPC team, Deep 6 Editor, or D/C.
- Funnel all squadron level issues through the DCPC
- Squadron will not contact the hotelw/o DCPC approval.
- E-mail is an easy and relatively quick method of corresponding
- Pick a PR person with good community contacts (outside events)
- Lunch seating – open. Dinner seating is assigned -VIP tables and seating assigned by host squadron with assistance from DCPC.
- Squadron and District Conference Committees will work close on conference to include budget, tri-fold, dinner seating, function locations, conference specifics etc.
- Room reservations – Squadron reservations - commanders submit e-mail form directly to hotel to include squadron tax-exempt number. Squadrons pay room block charge at check out. DCPC will submit the VIP room list (P/D/C’s, CPS, National Rep, other District’s and honored quests). District will collect for and pay hotel for VIP rooms via hotel master list.
- Pick a band or DJ and Conference theme (Fall Conference only).
Watch the cost. If group plays during dinner keep the volume low.
Typical Squadron Budget:
Band / DJ$450
Trifold Printing$150
Decorations (Table)$100
Place cards, Envelopes etc.$ 50
National Reps / Guest Meals$100
Conference Income:
Meal Income: consists of the over charge for lunch and dinner. Meals are marked up beyond negotiated hotel meal cost to cover budget items. Usually lunch is marked up $0-1.00 and dinner $5.00. This should result in about $900 assuming 180 for dinner attendance. The general meal cost rule is $11.00 for lunch and $23.00 for dinner. Total meal package $44.00 per person.
Ships Store: Host Squadron contacts National directly to order ships store items. National provides mark up guidelines. 100% profit goes to host squadron. Ships store items are selected by the host squadron and ordered from National about one month ahead of conference.
Squadron Financial Responsibility:
- Draft and adhere to approved budget based on input from DCPC and prior trends.
- Collect monies for lunch and dinner and deposit same.
- Pay all squadron conference bills to include first timers’ meals.
- Draft final report (adjust for fact D/6 pays first timer meals).
- If conference is at shortfall – D/6 will absorb the cost.
- If conference shows a surplus – D/6 and host squadron split the surplus 50/50.
- Send District 6 Treasurer 50% check for conference surplus.
Squadron Activity / Time Table:
- Attend Transition Meeting. Take conference items home
- Select and notify team members. Provide team list to DCPC Chair
- Work with DCPC on meal and room costs based on contract prices
- Work with DCPC to Draft Budget and submit to DCPC Chair
- Select Conference theme (if Fall Conference)
- Visit Conference Hotel with DCPC team, select hospitality room
- Select table cover color and if hotel center pieces will be used
- Provide conference write up to Deep 6 w/meal and room forms
- Provide registration information and pitch conference at council
- Work with DCPC Chair and DC to draft trifold
- Decide on who or how the Trifold will be printed.
- Print 200 copies of Trifold and have available for registration
- Collect mail in meal reservations by Squadron
- Set up computer file for meal reservations and attendees
- Report meal count / attendees routinely to DCPC Chair
- Order ships store kit from National
- Prepare reservation hand out envelopes by Squadron, CPS etc. Include meal tickets and Trifold for member and guest.
- Staff registration desk, ships store and hospitality room
- Report meal count to DCC for final input to hotel (Saturday AM)
- Work with DCC for Squadron/VIP seating and place cards
- Acknowledge your team at Saturday dinner along with D/C
- Deposit all money and pay squadron bills (band, printing etc.)
Note: District will pay the hotel for meals via the master bill
- Work with DCPC Chair for financial wrap up
- Send check to D/6 Treasurer within 25 days following conference
- District Treasurer will pay hotel master bill (meals, VIP rooms, A/V charges etc.) within 30 days of conference once approved by DCPC Chair and D/C.
Host Squadron Final Financial Report (Example):
(Send Report to DCPC Chairperson with Brief Cover Note)
Total $
Lunch Reservations ______paid @ $12.00 each
Lunch Reservations______paid @ $13.00 each (Late)
Dinner Reservations______paid @ $23.00 each
Dinner Reservations______paid @ $24.00 each (Late)
Misc Credits (Explain)______
Total Credits
Lunch Cost (Hotel Charge)______@ $12.00 each
Dinner Cost (Hotel Charge)______@ $18.00 each
National Rep / Guest Lunch and Dinner Cost$90.00
Band /DJ
Tri-fold Printing
Table Decorations
First Timers Meal Refund (See adjustment below)
Misc Expenses (Explain)______
Total Debits
Surplus / (Loss) – Credits minus Debits______
Final Host Squadron Financial Distribution:
To District 6: 50% of Net Surplus
Less First Timer Meal Refund______
Total to D/6*
To Squadron: 50% of Net Surplus______or (100% of Loss **)
* Close bank account and send check to D/6 Treasurer
** Work with DCPC Chair for D/6 Loss Coverage