Nineteen Eighty-Four – Part II

Chapter One:

At work, the girl from the fiction department drops a note saying, “I love you,” in front of Winston. Later, Winston attempts to talk to her, and they set up a place to meet in the country.

Chapter Two:

Winston and Julia meet in the country. Even though Julia frequently attends Party meetings, and actively works with the Junior Anti-Sex League, she is actually anti-Party and has enjoyed many affairs with Party members. Winston and Julia in an affair for their own enjoyment, but also as an act of political rebellion.

Chapter Three:

Winston and Julia . continue to meet sporadically at several different locations. Their relationship evolves from being purely sexual to actually caring about each other, a notion that is frowned upon by the Party. Winston thinks that everything about Julia comes back to sex, and that nothing about his wife, Katherine, reminded him of sensuality.

Chapter Four:

Winston rents the room from Mr. Charrington, and he and Julia set up a temporary apartment there. Winston loves that the room does not contain a telescreen, but is disconcerted when he sees a rat.

Chapter Five:

Syme has vanished, and new propagandist posters about the war have appeared around town. As Winston and Julia continue to meet in their room, their seditious thoughts and conversations against Big Brother grow and strengthen.

Chapter Six:

At work, O’Brien, whom Winston suspects of being anti-Party, tells Winston that he has a tenth edition of the Newspeak dictionary at his home that Winston may stop by to borrow. Winston realizes that this is an invitation to O’Brien’s home.

Chapter Seven:

Winston tells Julia of his father’s disappearance and his mother’s desertion of their family. The couple realizes that by spending time together, they are becoming more human, a fact that will most likely lead to their demise.

Chapter Eight:

When Winston and Julia visit O’Brien’s home, they are shocked that the Inner Party member can turn off his telescreen. While it is disconnected, O’Brien confirms that he is part of an organization, the Brotherhood, trying to overthrow Big Brother. The Inner Party member swears Winston and Julia into the group and tells Winston that he will be receiving a book that outlines the Brotherhood’s beliefs about Big Brother.

Chapter Nine:

Since Oceania’s sworn enemy in the war has changed, Winston works long hours to update all the historical texts. He receives the book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein from O’Brien and begins reading it. Julia falls asleep as Winston reads it aloud to her in their secret room.

Chapter Ten:

As Winston and Julia awake in the morning, their room is surrounded by Thought Police, and they are arrested. A telescreen had been hidden in the room all along.