Greenway Fields BOD meeting November 16, 2005.

Present:Kathie, Gina, Wendy, Veronica, John, Norma,

Absent:Margaret, Scott

  1. HACCD
  2. Rick Delaney is new Executive Director
  3. Opportunity to utilize HACCD website to link Greenway Fields HOA and have web pages
  1. Security Patrol
  2. Need to have a board discussion about surplus of funds
  3. Potential opportunity to vote and allocate funds to other projects or to put a moratorium on the invoicing (send out “no pay” invoices to homeowners to remain top of mind) and deplete some of the funds.
  1. MonkeyIsland
  2. Cannot renovate until sewers are complete
  3. Site’s curb renovation funds approved from PIAC
  4. Potential opportunity to vote and allocate funds from surplus programs and use monies for renovation
  5. The city is storing heavy equipment on the island and a “make good” is on the books.
  1. Balance Sheet
  2. Almost all of expenses have been paid for on the park project
  3. Park project expense total forecasted to be $35,000
  1. Other Projects
  2. Suggest electricity to the park
  3. Suggest water line to the park
  1. Annual Meeting
  2. Combine Annual Meeting and Holiday Party at Linda Vogel’s house at 635 Meyer Blvd on Sunday, December 11 from 5pm – 8pm.
  3. Norma is responsible for food and drink utilizing a maximum $700 budget
  4. Wendy is responsible for the glassware and paper products
  5. Invitations will be included with the next Greenway statement
  6. Discussed by nixed a $10 household RSVP concluding that people would feel more obligated to RSVP to the meeting at someone’s house as opposed to showing up to Charlie Hooper’s.
  7. Agenda suggesting a proposal for two 3-year terms and if passed, bylaws would be changed
  8. Terms ending in 2005 are Gina (would like to stay), Veronica (declines), Margaret (unknown), Scott (unknown), and Katie (retiring as president one year left on board)
  9. The board identified residents who are/might be interested in serving on the board:
  10. Joe Goebel (who is contacting him?)
  11. Vince Schiavo (Wendy to contact)
  12. Rob/Jeanette LePeep (Gina to contact)
  13. Barbara Martin (Katie to contact)
  14. Veronica will call Al Mauro to see if he knows of anyone interested on Summit or Jefferson
  15. Mike McAdams (Katie to contact)
  16. John/Laura Lloyd (John to contact)
  1. Newsletter
  2. All articles due to Katie in a word document no later than Monday
  3. This short version Newsletter will be mailed with the HOA billing
  4. Katie assigned authors and topics of articles
  1. SouthwestHigh School
  2. Our HOA needs to be represented as the SW Education Coalition hears recommendations and formulates an educational-related strategy for this school.
  3. Norma said she was interested
  4. Gina thought Lesley Reller was interested and would call Lesley.
  1. Signing of HACCD documents
  2. Katie, John and Norma signed the HACCD documents officially changing the text and inappropriate language found throughout the original covenant restrictions.
  1. Next meeting
  2. Annual Meeting on December 11, 2005