Alaskan Region 2/1/2008 Printed 6/15/2012

Preapplication/CIP Data Sheet Instructions

A Preapplication/CIP Data Sheet package consists of the following elements as shown on the Sample Preapplication/CIP Data Sheet and described below, as a minimum:

1.  Project Data. Include the following general information:

a.  Airport Name

b.  Location

c.  AIP Project No.

d.  Federal Fiscal Year, year project to be funded (i.e. FY ’06 – 10/01/2007 thru 9/30/2008)

e.  Revision No., if resubmitting the data sheet with changes, show a revision number and date.

f.  DUNS No.

2.  Item Description. In a table format, provide a line item brief description and total cost for each item of work. Each work item must include the costs for administration, engineering, construction, land, equipment, legal, and appraisal, etc., as applicable. Identify the Total Project Costs, Local Share, Federal Share, status and amount of anticipated State Share, as appropriate. FAA will fill in the area to the left of the description (CIP work code data). For phased projects attach a separate sheet showing the total cost of each phase over the course of the project.

3.  Environmental Status. Indicate the status of the required environmental documentation as required by FAA Order 5050.4B (Categorical exclusion (Cat X), Environmental Assessment or Environmental Impact Statement). The Cat X documentation should include whether the action item is listed in 5050.4B (Chapter 6). If the item includes an Extraordinary Circumstance (EC), as defined by 5050.4B, the sponsor must document whether the EC(s) requires an EA or EIS. The Alaskan Region Categorical Exclusion Form may be used to document EC impacts. If an EA or EIS was prepared, indicate FAA determination and date. If not completed provide expected completion date. Work cannot be programmed for funding until environmental documentation is completed

4.  Land Title and Exhibit “A” Status. Provide the status of the title to airport property and currency of the Exhibit “A” Property Map.

5.  Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Status. Show the FAA ALP approval date (or expected date of FAA review and approval) for an ALP which shows the proposed development work.

6.  Status of Legislative or Budget Authority. Provide the date or expected date of approval of complete legislative or budget authority to receive and expend federal funds.

7.  Open Projects. Provide the AIP number and estimated closeout data for any open project at this location.

8.  Project Description. Include a project sketch and complete narrative describing the proposed work. Provide a more complete description of the proposed items of development. Include quantities of work to be done; i.e., extend runway 32 by 750’ to the south. Include a separate sheet as necessary for detailed description, including age of facilities, condition of pavement, etc.

9.  Project Justification. Provide a brief program narrative statement which describes the need and justification for each proposed item of development.

10.  Anticipated Impacts to existing FAA Facilities. Provide a description of the anticipated impacts to FAA facilities that may require coordination and/or a reimbursable services agreement.

11.  Signature, Title, and Date. Provide the signature, title, and date by an authorized representative of the sponsor. The following statement will be included:

a.  “To the best of my knowledge and belief, all information shown in this Preapplication Data Sheet is true and correct and has been duly authorized by the Sponsor.”

12.  Contact Person. Provide the name, title, and telephone number of the person to be contacted on matters involving the project.

  1. Sketch. Include a sketch or drawing that clearly depicts the existing airport configuration and identifies the proposed items of development listed under the Item Description section and more fully described in the Project Description section. Please date the sketch. A sketch is not required for equipment or a planning project.

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