Ashleworth Parish Council
Clerk: Nicky Hill
Orchard Cottage
Hill Farm Lane
Tel: 01452 781028 Email: /

Minutes of the Meeting of 10th January 2017

Councillors Present / In attendance
Mike Fellows (MF) Chairman / 23 members of the public
Tony Eardley (TE) Vice Chairman / Clerk: Nicky Hill (NH)
Paul Finch (PF) / Grant Elliot (GE) Neighbourhood Watch representative.
Derek Collier (DC)
Caroline Saunders (CS)
561/0117 / Chairman MF welcomed everyone to the meeting and opened the public session with discussions regarding planning applications:
i) 16/01442/OUT – 8 Dwellings, on land to N of Bloxhams Orchard
MF shared information that the parish council were aware of and advised that the planning was for open market housing and is not concerned with Severn Vale housing. 10 members of the public had looked at the documents online including the title which stated 8 dwellings, but were concerned that the documents differ stating that it is for in excess of 8 dwellings.
There was a lot of discussion and concerns raised, which included:
  • Parking issues, in turn creating a danger to pedestrians and local school children crossing the cul-de-sac
  • Flooding and storm water which has already affected this area
  • Of no benefit to local housing needs
  • Traffic/noise pollution
  • Sewer/drainage
  • Popular footpath, spoilt due to part tarmacking
  • Impact on meadow water flow
  • Access
  • Environmental and wildlife concerns
MF stated that members of the public were free to submit concerns/objections/support and that the councillors will discuss further into this meeting.
ii) 16/01343/FUL - New access to land to E of Bloxhams
Orchard (Part Parcel 4051)
MF advised that the parish council had submitted comments regarding the new access, highlighting the fact thatthere is an existing, well established right of access to the applicant's field through a gateway on the neighbor’s land, therefore, a second access point is unnecessary and, as the highway is narrow and winding, creating a second hazard point could be dangerous. Ashleworth Parish Council would have no objection to the proposal provided:
a) there is only one access point to the field (ie existing access rights across the neighboring land are terminated)
b) the new access point is for agricultural use only
562/0117 / Apologies for absence.
563/0117 / Declaration of Interests:
CSdeclared an interest on minutes568/0117as she is a member of Ashleworth Parochial Church Council. CS and PFdeclared an interest on minutes 570/0117 as they are Trustees of the Ashleworth Land Charity.
564/0117 / To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting:
8th November2016.No amendments were necessary and the minutes were agreed and signed.
565/0117 / Matters arising /review of actions from the last meeting not on the agenda.
TE reported on behalf of the village green/track residents that the verge posts had been purchased and that the track surface material is currently being sourced for the most reasonable and competitive price.
566/0117 / Reports from invited speakers on relevant items.
Just the usual scams circulating, but no local crimes have been reported.
567/0117 / Planning matters and applications
a) Application No 16/01255/FUL – Foxhollow -No Objection
b) Application No 16/01141/FUL – Quay Cottage – No Objection
c) Application No 16/01343/FUL – Vehicle access, The Green (to be discussed at
the startof this meeting) -Comments submitted to TBC (see public section)
d) Application No16/01435/FUL – Wood store, Foscombe House – No Objection
e) Application No 16/01442/OUT – 8 Dwellings, Bloxhams Orchard
(to be discussed at the start of this meeting)
Further discussions and concerns were raised highlighting the high level of concern received from the members of public at the start of this meeting.
All the councillors agreed to submit an objection on the grounds raised in the public section of this meeting.MF will draft and circulate comments.
568/0117 / Church grant towards grass cutting.
A letter has been received from Ashleworth Parochial Church Council requesting that Ashleworth Parish Council consider making a contribution towards the grass cutting in the churchyard. The last payment to Ashleworth PCC was £400.00 in April 2014 and APC have allowed a budget per annum since, but has not received any requests since then. It was agreed that APC will make the £800 contribution to cover 2 years.
569/0117 / Finance:
a) Agree precept 2017/2018The precept amount has been agreed to remain thesame as last year at £5000
b) To approve accounts for payment:
1) Clerk wages 21st Nov/19th Dec -£137.76 x2 - Agreed
2) R Cockburn – Hedge trimming -£50.00 -Agreed
3)Peter Finch – grass cutting -2015 & 2016 £1458.00 – Agreed
4) APCC – Church grass cutting contribution 2015/2016 £800.00 -Agreed
b) To agree the bank reconciliation - Agreed
c) Expenditure to date against budget -Agreed
d) To agree budget priorities- Agreed as per budget
570/0117 / AOB.
CS put forward APC as appointing an individual to serve as a member of the Ashleworth Land Charity. At a recent meeting of the Charity, which CS and PF attended as members, it was suggested that APC, put forward Ann Vaughn, Village Agent as a candidate for appointment. She had attended the same recent meeting as a guest of the trustees and has stated that she is more than happy to be appointed to the Charity by APC.
MF, TE and DC agreed to appointing Ann Vaughn.
571/0117 / To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday14th March 2017 – Confirmed
Meeting closed at 8.50pm


