Solva Community Council

Cyngor Cymuned Solfach

Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2015 at

7:00pm in the Memorial Hall

Attended by:

Community Councillors,

Josh Phillips (Chair), Sandra Young, Mollie Roach, John Price Jono Voyce, Ifor Thomas, Tomos Waters

County Councillor Lyn Jenkins

Clerk: Bruce Payne Newsletter Editor: Peter Wilde

1.  Welcome and Introduction

2.  Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Newly elected Community Councillor’s Ifor Thomas and Tomos Waters each signed a declaration.

3.  Apologies.

a.  Joe Griffin

4.  Declarations of interest

a.  Tomos Waters re Solva Cinema

5.  Agree the Minutes of the meetings held on 8th July 2015

a. Agreed and signed.

6.  Matters Arising

a.  Edge Festival Report. Community Councillor’s Josh Phillips and Ifor Thomas informed members the festival had been a great success and thanked everyone who had helped deliver the inaugural 2015 event. Although held in challenging weather conditions the festival had broken even. Overall cost was circa £16,000. Sufficient funds would remain to offer grants to a number of organisations in Solva. Details of grants, Income and Expenditure etc. would be available to members once the account had settled all outstanding bills. Members recorded a vote of thanks to acknowledge the work and contribution of all involved.

b.  Grant Applications. Proposed by Community Councillor Mollie Roach, Seconded by Community Councillor Jono Voyce that the following decisions for SCC Grants were ratified by Members – all present agreed:

i.  Solva Rowing & Watersports Club. The application for £1000, to be used on a Winter Maintenance Project, was scrutinised. SCC members approved the amount requested.

ii.  Solva Sailing Club. The application for £400, to be used to help refurbish 6 Optimist dinghies, was scrutinised. SCC members approved the amount requested.

iii.  Solva Community Cinema. The application for a grant of up to £3000, to be used for the purchase of a Surround Sound System, was scrutinised. SCC members deferred any grant decision. More information would be requested. The application would be reviewed in October.

iv.  Whitchurch and Solva Churches. The application for £1000, to be used for the purchase of a laptop to control record and play organ music, was scrutinised by members. The application was not agreed. Members requested an advert was placed in the Newsletter for a second hand laptop. The application would be reviewed in November pending outcome of the advert.

c.  Local Community Requests/issues/Complaints.

i.  Road Safety, Traffic through Solva. Vehicle speeding in Upper and Lower Solva had raised concern. Members agreed to request installation of temporary speed lines in Upper Solva that would assess the issue. The local policing team had already been engaged to help.

ii.  Japanese Knotweed. Concern with where this invasive, non-native plant was growing in Solva and the local area had been raised. It was agreed by members that SCC would collate locations of growth and then request the Authority to take control action to help prevent its spread. A notice would be placed in the October edition of the Newsletter requesting information from residents.

iii.  Solva Bridleways. Current bridleways would be the subject of a meeting hosted by PCNPA on 7th October 2015 in St Davids. Interested parties, riders and equine establishments would be invited to attend.

iv.  Whitchurch Church Tree Felling. The Rev'd Dr Adrian T. Furse had confirmed the Parish Church Council’s approval for the removal of a sycamore tree that was causing structural damage to one of the ancient walls in the old grave yard. Adrian now requested SCC action to fell the tree. Members agreed that a quote would be invited for its removal.

7.  Clerk’s actions.

a.  SCC Bank Balance at end of August. The balance at 31st August 2015 was £25,628.11. Income & Expenditure (actual) for August was presented to Councillors.

b.  Correspondence. All correspondence had been distributed to members by email and where appropriate had been circulated in the SCC Box.

8.  Planning.

a.  Applications received:

i.  NP/15/0474/FUL 11, Ynys Dawel, Solva, "Installation of 4 velux rooflights, removal of chimney & provision of balcony..."

b.  Outcomes:

i.  NP/15/ 20, Maes Ewan, Solva, "Alterations & extensions to dwelling (revised scheme)" GRANTED

ii.  NP/15/0356/FUL 9, Chapel Lane, Solva, Alterations to existing bungalow to allow additional bedrooms within the loft..." GRANTED

9.  Newsletter

a.  Review local content

b.  Review SCC content

10.  Solva Web site and SCC web page

11.  Report from PCC Councillor.

12.  Reports from SCC Councillors.

13.  Public Open Forum.

14. Date of next meeting

a.  Wednesday 7th October 2015.

Compiled by:

Bruce Payne (Clerk) 19th September 2015

Signed by: Josh Phillips (Chair)