Dear Families,
It is our hope to help strengthen our network of family, school, and community. We want children to share and learn from the fund of knowledge that each family has to offer. During the course of the school year family members will be invited to share in scheduled school activities but are always welcome to join us at anytime.
Do you have a game to play, a story to read or a recipe to share? Do you have a pet to introduce? Do you play an instrument? Your jobs and hobbies are of interest to the children as well.
Your involvement can extend to off-site activities such as sharing family stories and photos for our Family Newsletter and favorite books and links for our Family Web site.
You will also be able to communicate with each other on the Family Exchange bulletin board.
Let’s all work to promote an environment of learning and sharing. This questionnaire will help us to incorporate the richness of your heritage and culture into ourcurriculum. Please take some time to answer the followingattached questionnaireand return to schoolASAP .
Miss Hope,Miss Faith and Miss Myra
Family & Community Partnership
Miss Hope,Miss Faith and Miss Myra’s Class
Child’s Name______Place of Birth______
Mother’s Name______Mother’s Place of Birth______
Father’s Name______Father’s Place of Birth______
Mother’s Parents live in (or lived in) ______
Father’s Parent’s live in (or lived in) ______
Child lives with______
Languages spoken at home______
Does the family have special customs or traditions? What are some that you would like to share?______
Can you remember any special toys or games that you (the parents or grandparents) liked to play with as a child? ______
What is your child’s favorite toy or game?______
Some favorite foods that the family enjoys are______
Some favorite books read at home______
Please tell us about your family’s most important holiday. (If any)______
Are there any items of clothing representative of traditional clothing worn by your family that you would like to show us or donate to our classroom for dramatic play?
Do you or a family member play an instrument? Tell us about the music your family likes to listen to
Please tell us bout your families jobs and occupations______
Please tell us about your families hobbies______
What is your family’s favorite outing?
Tell us about your family pets or an animal that is important to your family______
Please tell us about a family friend or relative that may want to share his/here talents and interests with the children. We can all be important resources for child’s learning-______
Please write more about any of the questions above, anything else you feel may be interesting or important for us to know about your child, your family heritage.