Supplementary Table 1: Study quality assessment for the evidence base

Author, date / Abstract and Title / Introduction and aims / Method and data / Sampling / Data analysis / Ethics and bias / Findings / results / Transferability / Generalalizability / Implications and usefulness
Ahmad et al1 / Fair / Good / Fair / Fair / Very poor / Very poor / Fair / Fair / Fair
Atassi et al.2 / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Very poor / Very poor / Fair / Fair / Fair
Carr et al.3 / Fair / Fair / Good / Poor / Very poor / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Carr et al.4 / Good / Fair / Fair / Poor / Fair / Fair / Good / Fair / Fair
Donahue et al.5 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Good
Edeline et al.6 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Good
Gaba et al.7 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Garin et al.8 / Good / Good / Good / Poor / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Fair
Goin et al.9 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Fair
Hetta et al.10 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Fair / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Hilgard et al.11 / Fair / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Ibrahim et al.12 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Inarrairaegui et al.13 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good
Kooby et al.14 / Good / Good / Good / Poor / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Good
Kulik et al.15 / Good / Good / Good / Poor / Poor / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Kulik et al.16 / Fair / Good / Good / Fair / Poor / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Lambert et al.17 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Fair / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Lewandowski et al.18 / Fair / Good / Good / Poor / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Liu et al.19 / Fair / Good / Good / Fair / Fair / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Mazzaferro et al.20 / Fair / Good / Good / Good / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Good
Pracht et al.21 / Fair / Good / Good / Poor / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Fair
Salem et al.22 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good
Salem et al.23 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good
Salem et al.24 / Good / Good / Good / Poor / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good
Sangro et al.25 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Very poor / Very poor / Good / Fair / Good
Sangro et al.26 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Strigari et al.27 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Vouche et al.28 / Fair / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Very poor / Good / Fair / Fair
Gramenzi et al.29 / Good / Good / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good
Khor et al.30 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good
Saxena et al.31 / Good / Good / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good / Fair / Good


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