Self-Funded PhD Research Project

GSBS: Department of Law, Economics, Accountancy and Risk

Project Reference Number: GSBS2016/014

Project Title: EU Cohesion Policy, Social Inclusion and Equal Opportunities

Self-funded research applications are invited for the following PhD project at Glasgow Caledonian University. Please note that as this project is not funded by a university studentship, the successful candidate will be required to source external funding for the research degree fees and living expenses while studying at the university.

Research Discipline areas


Research Theme(s)

Inclusive Societies

Research Supervisor Contact

Director of Studies: Dr Leaza McSorley

Second supervisor: Dr Jim Campbell

Third supervisor: Professor Sara Cantillon

Staff Contact: Dr Leaza McSorley


Tel: 00 44 (0) 141 273 1772

Research Project Summary

Following the financial crisis EU Cohesion Policy has shifted from being a policy to reduce regional disparities and help less developed regions progress to become the EU’s main strategic investment fund for creating jobs and growth and delivering Europe 2020 targets. This PhD project would investigate the implications of this shift in policy focus for social inclusion and equal opportunities. Research would examine whether the new macroeconomic conditionalities conflict with the goal of ‘cohesion’ itself.

More than a third of the EU’s total budget (over €350 billion) has been designated for Cohesion Policy for 2014-2020. The 11 thematic priorities for 2014-20 include a priority to promote social inclusion and combat discrimination. In previous rounds of Cohesion Policy social inclusion and equal opportunities were ‘horizontal themes’. The approach taken has been “mainstreaming” whereby all funded projects must demonstrate that their activities address the horizontal themes. The objectives of the horizontal themes are not separate or distinct from the stated economic development goals of the programmes, but aim to be complementary. With increasing pressure on EU Cohesion policies to deliver in terms of jobs and growth this research questions whether the economic priorities risk undermining the cohesive role of this policy.

This research will consider i) whether Cohesion policy guidance and regulations sufficiently support social inclusion and equal opportunities ii) whether the approach of mainstreaming the horizontal themes of equal opportunities and social inclusion has been effective, particularly in delivering labour market targets iii) the role of programme managing authorities in Europe’s regions, which are responsible for managing the funds, in promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities.

It is expected that the research would involve cross-country comparison in several EU member states. Therefore, candidates who are proficient in 2 or more EU languages would be welcome.

Mode(s) of Study

This project is available as a:

·  PhD: 3 years full-time

·  PhD: 4.5 years part-time

·  1 + 3 route to PhD: Undertaking MRes [1 year full-time or 2 years part-time] + PhD as above

Institute/Research Groups (if applicable)

Equality and Justice



Applicants will normally hold a relevant 1st or 2:1 UK honours degree (or equivalent); or a Masters degree in a subject relevant to the research project. Equivalent professional qualifications and any appropriate research experience may be considered. A minimum English language level of IELTS score of 6.5 (or equivalent) with no element below 6.0 is required. Some research disciplines may require higher levels.

How to Apply

Candidates are encouraged to contact potential research supervisors to discuss their research interests before applying.

Applicants should complete the GCU Research Application Form (available from: stating the project title and reference number and attaching a research proposal.

The form should be sent with copies of academic qualifications (including IELTS if required), 2 references and any other relevant documentation to: . Applicants shortlisted for a PhD will be contacted for an interview.

Application Deadlines

The PhD programmes commence in 01 October, 01 February or 01 May of each year. The application deadlines for 2016-17 are as follows:

·  October 2016 Start - 30 June 2016

·  February 2017 Start - 1 December 2016

·  May 2017 Start - 1 March 2017

Research Degree Fees

Current fee information:
