Strategic Plan Part II: SWOTT Analysis

Krystal Rey

Professor Nels Holmgren


Strategic Plan Part II: SWOTT Analysis

As noted in the previous sections, the proposed Wal-Mart division presents a colossal opportunity for the business to maintain global domination in the retail industry: it permits the business to wander into the fast food part as an innovative retailer. On account of such a factor, it is very essential that an expert investigates the inside and external business condition to anticipate the association's development. Now, a nitty gritty SWOTT will be useful in the examination. All things considered, take note of that the strengths and weaknesses will show the division's inside condition evaluation while the Opportunities, Threats, and Trends will investigate its external business condition.


Apparently, Wal-Mart's chief strength is its image picture. The association is seen among experts, speculators, clients, and researchers over the globe as the world's biggest chain store. Shoppers see it as the biggest markdown chain stores while businesses value it for its monster image picture as overwhelming distribution center chain stores. Its industry predominance is apparent in the association's yearly revenue, Market Penetration, and number of representatives: 485.9 billion dollars (FY 2016), 55Markets, and 2.3 million workers (Ferguson, 2017). Other than that, the association has been recorded as the 22nd most profitable brand comprehensively by Forbes 2017. With such a tremendous brand, unmistakably the association is in the best position to present its fast food eatery division without the dread of disappointment.

Cost Reduction

As noted earlier, the proposed division will utilize the robotics technology to promote efficiency, and most importantly to reduce the production costs. Such an objective lines up with the association's principle mission: to spare individuals cash so they can live better. Following this mission the Wal-Mart business demonstrate uses an Every-Day Low Cost (EDLC) supply model to meet a definitive target of its Every-Day Low Pricing (EDLP) pricing strategy. A similar case will apply to the proposed fast food eatery division. Through the utilization of robots, the association will decrease its generation costs; subsequently, making an elbowroom for the appropriation of the low-pricing strategy.

Excellent Infrastructure

Currently, the Wal-Mart mark raises just about 60 percent of its yearly incomes from both on the web and in-store offers of perishable items including organic products, vegetables, and fast foods (burgers and pizzas among others). Such a hypothesis outlines the vigorous idea of the Wal-Mart innovative framework. The association's astounding foundation is seen in the two its coordination and online business abilities. The strengths will likewise think about the new fast food division. In the first place, the very perishable items will land in the outlets in an auspicious way; henceforth, they will offer new cooking. Second, the new division may use the association's internet business framework to execute online conveyances to some of its customers. Along these lines, it will grow the organization's control of the global market


Low Profitability

As noted earlier, the brand implements a low-valuing model to catch the low and center salary buyers. Such an approach influences the net benefit acknowledged by the organization before the finish of any monetary year. Clearly, such a structure pulls in value delicate clients, in this way lessening the organization's dealing control over its purchasers. The model connected by the entire association is relied upon to be connected by the proposed division in order to keep up a general concentrate on the association's main goal 'spare cash, live better' (Ferguson, 2017). Such a factor delineates a major weakness in Wal-Mart particularly since the fast food area requires a powerful framework for coordination. This need accompanies an ensuing increment in cost, subsequently diminishing the division's productivity. For this situation, the organization should reexamine its pricing strategy to encourage a venture into the fast food retail segment. Else, it should keep offering its sustenance’s in the current retail stores instead of in restaurants.

Low Market Penetration

It is imperative to comprehend that while the Wal-Mart mark appreciates worldwide brand acknowledgment, its quality is in couple of nations (55 to be exact). Considering the way that the association has been in presence for more than five decades, this is a significant hindered development. Also the way that the organization works in exceedingly saturated markets. One would contend that such a factor is less inclined to show a weakness on the association's fast food eatery division. This view would have ignored the way that the new division will initially be presented in the company’s market fortifications before growing to outside soils. In this manner, the fast food division will confront an indistinguishable test from its parent association.

Poor Organizational Culture

Another pervasive issue in the Wal-Mart mark is its polluted organizational culture. The previous couple of decades have seen the organization manage different HR issues extending from uncalled for advancements, poor advantages, separation, unpaid extra time, and segregation, to absence of worker inspiration (Silverman, 2017). Some of these difficulties have been seen in the arrangement of claims the organization has been looking for as far back as few years. Like the other weaknesses, this too will profoundly reflect in this proposed division. As noticed, the new division will use the utilization of robots, hence replacing people. Along these lines, it will discolor the retailer's image notoriety as a large portion of its present specialists will be laid off. In any case, a lover of the recommended model would characterize it as the organization's salvation from the various HR emergencies it has recorded after some time.


Improvement in HR Policies

It's a given that an effective management gains from its weaknesses. For this situation, the Wal-Mart initiative can gain from the past hierarchical disappointments and anticipate them in the realization of the proposed fast food eatery division. The administration ought not to ignore the reality workers additionally make up the fundamental hierarchical partners. In light of this thought, the organization will expand the representative advantages following the presentation of the mechanical executive innovation. This approach will enable them to manufacture a strong brand as far as prominence and notoriety. Along these lines, the presentation of worthy HR strategies will support the division's operations in both nearby and foreign markets. This proposition depends on the reality that businesses don't work in vacuum: they need to meet the cultural requests of all the stakeholders.

Expansion into Emerging Markets

Emerging markets introduce a chance to organizations from various enterprises. For this situation, the prescribed locale of center is Asia. Nations like India and China have huge populaces, and in the sustenance enterprises this implies there are more mouths to bolster. As of now, the Wal-Mart mark has penetrated into the Asian Market as a chain store retailer. The association can snatch this open door by presenting the new division in its outlets to have an offer of the growing market with respect to fast food retail.


Intense Global Competition

The modern retail industry is extremely aggressive as the markets are getting to be noticeably soaked, and the new participants are presenting troublesome advancements. This announcement holds an incentive in the entire business including the food business. With respect to block and-cement chain store business, Wal-Mart faces rivalry from goliaths, for example, Tesco, Carrefour, Sainsbury, Target, Macy's, and Sears among others. On the online field, the association faces rivalry from Alibaba, Amazon, and eBay among others. With respect to the proposed eatery division, the organization ought to expect rivalry from significant brands as McDonald, KFC, Starbucks, and Subway among others. Clearly, the mechanical rivalry is extreme, and the proposed division will experience considerable difficulties situating itself and in the long run overwhelming the market.

The Strong Dollar

Being an American organization, Wal-Mart experiences considerable difficulties acknowledging benefits from its foreign markets especially when they have monetary forms that are weaker than the dollar. While this is a noteworthy danger to all US associations, it is cataclysmic to Wal-Mart since it works on a low-value premise. All in all, the division should turn out unbeneficial to the parent association.


As expressed before, the retail segment has recorded major mechanical interruption in the previous couple of decades. For example, Amazon built up an online retail store while Alibaba presented an online retail marketplace (Allen, 2017). These components have greatly affected Wal-Mart's development since the world is moving, and purchasers are adjusting to the ongoing IT solutions. To manage this factor, Wal-Mart should incorporate its online business foundation into the proposed eatery division to pick up an upper hand over organizations, for example, KFC and McDonalds.

The Main Factors from the SWOTT Analysis

Strong Brand Image / Opportunity
Expansion into Emerging Markets
Disruptive Technology
Low Profits Margin / Threat
Intense Global Competition


Allen, A. (2017). Technology is moving at a rapid pace — but will restaurantrobotsreplace workers? [online] Aaronallen.com. Available at: http://aaronallen.com/blog/restaurant-robots-replace-workers.

Ferguson, E. (2017). Walmart’s Vision, Mission, Generic & IntensiveStrategies - Panmore Institute. [online] Panmore Institute. Available at: http://panmore.com/walmart-vision-mission-statement-intensive-generic-Strategies.

Silverman, D. (2017). Analysis: Walmart should actually focus on its own customers to thrive, not try to copy Amazon. [online] Chainstoreage.com. Available at: http://www.chainstoreage.com/article/analysis-walmart-should-focus-its-customers-succeed-not-try-copy-amazon