Overview of Participation:

2011 / MAURITIUS 2012 / SWEDEN 2014 / TURKEY 2015
USA / X / X / X / X / X / X / X

Representatives in the annual meetings:

GFMD / Delegate / Position / Organization
BELGIUM 2007 / Dana Francis / PRM Program Officer / Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
US Mission to the EU, Brussels
PHILIPPINES 2008 / Piehel Robert William / Second Secretary / US Mission in Manila
GREECE 2009 / Suzanne Sheldon / Director / Population and International Migration, Department of State
David Digiovanna / Refugee and Migration Officer / US Mission, Geneva
Dimple Dhabalia / Overseas Adjudication Officer / US Citizenship and Immigration Center
MEXICO 2010 / David Digiovanna / Refugee and Migration Officer / US Mission, Geneva
Eric Schwartz / US Dept of State
James Pritchett / US Dept of State
Karen Turner / ODP/OD
Nicole Otallah / US Embassy in Mexico
Peter Benda / US Dept of State
Rachel O’Hara / Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
Suzanne Sheldon / US Dept of State
Yvon Resplandy / USAID
Brandon Prelogar / Dept of Homeland Security
Hunter Hammill / Dept of Homeland Security
SWITZERLAND 2011 / David DiGiovanna / Deptuy Counselor, Refugee and Migration Affairs / Permanent Mission in Geneva
Suzanne Sheldon / Director, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration / Office of Internaitonal Migration, Department of State
Brandon Prelogar / Chief, Office of Policy & Strategy / Dept of Homeland Security
MAURITIUS 2012 / Catherine Wiesner / Deputy Assistant Secretary of State / Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), Office of International Migration, Department of State
Suzanne Sheldon / Director / Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), Office of International Migration, Department of State
Brandon Prelogar / Chief, International and Humanitarian Affairs / US Citizenship and Immigration Services, Office of Policy and Strategy, Dept of Homeland Security
Jessica Yutacom / Senior Program Office / Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), Office of International Migration, Department of State
Hugo Jimenez / Political/Economic Officer / US Embassy in Mauritius
Troy Fitrell / Charge d’Affaires / Embassy of the United States in Port Louis
Richard Swart / Refugee and Migration Officer / US Mission in Geneva
Rebecca Rowles / International Relations Officer / Office of Trade and Labor Affairs, Dept of Labor
Yvon Resplandy / Senior Advisor for Diaspora and Remittances / USAID
SWEDEN 2014 / Anne RICHARD / Assistant Secretary of State / Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Amit PANDYA / Chief of Staff to the Acting Deputy Under Secretary / U.S. Department of Labor
Suzanne SHELDON / Director, Office of International Migration / Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
U.S. Department of State
Gayatri PATEL / Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of International Migration / Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
U.S. Department of State
Molly GROOM / Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security / Office of Policy
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
David DIGIOVANNA / First Secretary / Humanitarian and Migration Affairs Division
U.S. Mission to the European Union, Brussels
Rick SWART / First Secretary / Refugee and Migration Affairs
U.S. Mission to Geneva
Veronica ZEITLIN / Counter-Trafficking and Gender Advisor / Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance
U.S. Agency for International Development
Jonathan WEADON / US Embassy in Stockholm
Kristy PLAN / US Embassy in Stockholm
Sanjula WEERASINGHE / United States Civil Society Participant

Focal Points:

CAPITAL / Ms. Jessica Warden Yutacom / Senior Program Officer / Office of Population and International Migration
Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
US Department of State
2021 C Street NW
Washington DC
Tel: 202 453 9388
Mobile: 703-585-9339
CAPITAL / Ms. Suzanne Sheldon / Director / Office of International Migration
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
U.S. Department of State
2021 C Street NW
Washington DC
Tel: 202 453 9201
CAPITAL / Ms. Gayatri A. Patel / Foreign Affairs Officer / Office of International Migration, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, U.S. Department of State
2025 E Street, NW, 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202 453 9213
GENEVA / Mr. Rick Swart / First Secretary / Refugee & Migration Officer / Permanent Mission of the USA to the UN in Geneva
Route de Pregny 11
1292 Chambésy
Tel: +41 22 479 4546
Fax: +41 22 749 4671
GENEVA / Ms. Melissa Horn Albuja / Refugee Program Specialist Refugee and Migration Affairs / Permanent Mission to the USA to the UN in Geneva
11, route de Pregny
1292 Chambesy
Tel: +41 22 749 4668
Fax: +41 22 749 4671
Mob: +41 79 632 4797
GENEVA / Ms. Michelle Prodromou / Permanent Mission of the USA to the UN in Geneva
Route de Pregny 11
1292 Chambésy

Participation in the Round Tables (RT):

Belgium 2007

Philippines 2008

Greece 2009

  • Government Team member for RT 3.2 “Regional and Inter-regional Processes and Fora”

Mexico 2010

  • Government Team member for RT 1.1“Partnerships for more regular and protected migration”
  • Government Team member for RT 3.3. “How Can Regional Consultative Processes (RCPs) and Inter-Regional Fora (IRF) Best Include the Migration and Development Nexus?”

Switzerland 2011

  • Government Team member for RT 2.1 “Addressing Irregular Migration Through Coherent Migration and Development Strategies”
  • Mr. David DiGiovanna, Deputy Counselor, Refugee and Migrants Affairs, Permanent Mission of the US to the UN in Geneva, served as General Rapporteur for RT 2 "Addressing Irregular Migration Through Coherent Migration and Development Strategies"

Mauritius 2012

  • Government Team member for RT 3.1 “Improving Public Perceptions of Migrants and Migration: Challenging Preconceptions and Shaping Perceptions”
  • RT 3.2 “Migrant Protection as Integral to Migration Management”
  • GT member
  • Co-chaired one of the breakout sessions, under the direction of Ms. Catherine Wiesner
  • Government Team member for RT 3.3 “Protecting Migrant Domestic Workers-Enhancing Their Development Potential”
  • Ms. Catherine Wiesner, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), Department of State, served as General Rapporteur for RT 3 "Managing Migration and Perceptions of Migration for Development Outcomes"

Sweden 2014

  • Round Table 3, Session3.1: Empowering migrants, their households and communities for improved protection of rights and social development outcomes- – Member of the Government Team

Participation in the Thematic Meetings (TM):

Mauritius 2012:

  • Factoring Migration into Development Planning- Participant
  • Mauritius High Level Forum- Participant

Sweden 2014:

  • The Role of Business in International Migration Engaging the private sector as partners for positive development outcomes- Participant
  • Operationalizing Mainstreaming of Migration in Development Policy and Integrating Migration in the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda- Participant

Financial contributions to the GFMD:

Mexico 2010: USD 50,000- Travel of delegates from developing countries

Switzerland 2011: USD 98,459- Support Unit and Travel of delegates from developing countries

Mauritius 2012: USD 140,000- Support Unit and Travel of delegates from developing countries

Sweden 2013- 2014: USD 160,000

Participation in the PFP (Platform for Partnerships):

United States-Mexico Border Health Commission

Leave Healthy, Return Healthy Program (Ventanilla de Salud)

Mexican Consular Registration Card (Matrícula Consular)

Temporary Protected Status Programme (TPS)

Scholarships from the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME - Becas Program)

Bi-national Migrant Education Program (PROBEM)

Community Plazas

OPT program - Optional Practical Training

The Development Corporation for Israel (Israel Bonds)

International Diaspora Engagement Alliance

Date completed: 07 November 2014