Agreement Establishing The Caribbean Tourism OrganizationPage 1
Amended xx April 2008
WHEREAS THE CONTRACTING PARTIES, the Caribbean Tourism Association (CTA) and the Caribbean Tourism Research and Development Centre (CTRC), DESIRE for the benefit of the countries and peoples of the Caribbean to cooperate in the promotion and development of tourism in the region;
AND RECOGNIZE the need for the establishment of one authoritative Caribbean Tourism Organization for marketing, research, product development, education and training, information and improvement of tourism in all its aspects.
In this Agreement:
"Country" means Sovereign States, Departments, ColonialTerritories and other national political entities.
"Caribbean" means the Caribbean Region and includes any country located within or bordering upon the Caribbean Sea, and shall include any country located in the general area near the Caribbean Sea. For all purposes connected with this Agreement the Council of Ministers & Commissioners of Tourism may determine whether any country is deemed to be located in the Caribbean.
The Caribbean Tourism Organization (hereinafter referred to as CTO) is hereby established having the membership, powers and functions hereinafter specified.
1.Membership of CTO shall be open to
(i)Those Countries formerly enjoying membership in the Caribbean Tourism Research and Development Centre and/or the Caribbean Tourism Association (as listed at Annex 1) which acceded to the 1989 CTO Agreement.
(ii)Any other Country being of or accepted as being part of the Caribbean, according to the vote of three-quarters of the Members of the Council of Tourism Ministers & Commissioners, and is able and willing to exercise the rights and assume the obligations of membership.
(iii)Organizations serving the Caribbean region in the area of tourism which, according to the vote of the majority of the Council of Tourism Ministers & Commissioners,present and voting will contribute to the positive development of Caribbean tourism, and are able and willing to exercise the rights, and assume the obligations of membership. This includes Carrier Members, Allied Members, Chapter Members, Retail Travel Agency Members, Affiliate Members, as defined at 2(b).
The classifications and definition of members of the CTO are as follows:
(i)GOVERNMENT MEMBERS shall be the Countries listed in the Annex 1 to this Agreement, the Governments of which signed the Agreement in accordance with of Articles 18 and 19, and Countries admitted as new members by the Council of Ministers & Commissioners in accordance with article 2(a)(ii).
(ii)CARRIER MEMBERS shall be international and regional air carriers, and international and regional passenger sea carriers serving the Caribbean area, admitted to membership of CTO, and notified to the Board of Directors.
(iii)ALLIED MEMBERS shall be companies, corporations, firms, organizations, agencies or other persons providing goods and services to, or otherwise engaged in, the tourism industry of the Caribbean, admitted to membership of CTO, and notified to the Board of Directors.
(iv)CHAPTER MEMBERS shall be the CTO Chapters, notified to the Board of Directors.
(v)RETAIL TRAVEL AGENCY MEMBERS shall be companies, firms, corporations, organizations or agencies qualified to provide services relating to tours, cruises, transportation, hotel accommodation, meals, transfers, sightseeing and other elements of travel to the public as a service, admitted to membership of CTO, and notified to the Board of Directors.
(vi)AFFILIATE MEMBERS shall be such organizations in the tourism industry, or integral to it, the objectives and activities of which complement those of CTO, and are admitted as such to membership of CTO on such terms and conditions as maybe determined, and notified to the Board of Directors.
CTO may establish formal cooperation with nonMembers States, national bodies in those States, regional or international Governmental or nongovernmental bodies. The establishment, conditions and terms of such cooperation shall be defined in each case, and circulated to Members of the Board for information.
The primary objective of CTO is to provide to, and through its members, the services and information necessary for the development of sustainable tourism for the economic and social benefit of the Caribbean people by:
(a)Providing an instrument for close collaboration in tourism among the various territories, countries and other interests concerned.
(b)Developing and promoting Regional travel and tourism programmes to and within the Caribbean.
(c)Providing members with opportunities to market their products more effectively to both the Caribbean and the international tourism marketplaces.
(d)Assisting member countries to maximize their marketing impact, including assisting the smaller member countries with minimal promotion budgets to maximize their marketing impact, through the collective CTO forum.
(e)Carrying out advertising, promotions, publicity and information services calculated to focus the attention of the public upon the Caribbean as one of the world`s outstanding tourist destinations.
(f)Providing a liaison for tourism matters between member countries and the private sector.
(g)Providing a sound body of knowledge on tourism through data collection, collation and research.
(h)Creating processes and systems for disseminating and sharing tourism information, including the use of the Internet and state-of-the-art ICT solutions.
(i)Providing advice, technical assistance and consultancy services with respect to tourism.
(j)Seeking to maximize the contribution of tourism to the economic development of member countries and the Caribbean by programmes likely to increase foreign exchange earnings, increase employment, strengthen linkages between tourism and other economic sectors, and to reduce leakages from Caribbean economies.
(k)Encouraging coordination with respect to research and planning, and the efficient allocation of local, regional and international resources at both government and nongovernmental levels in tourism development.
(l)Researching and identifying the positive and negative social, economic and ecological effects of tourism with a view to recommending and/or initiating action aimed at minimizing the negative and enhancing its positive effects.
(m)Seeking to preserve and to promote through tourism, indigenous cultural expression with special reference to visual arts, handicraft, drama, dance, music and creative writing.
(n)Promoting the consciousness of the need to preserve both the natural and man-made beauty of the Caribbean environment and to demonstrate its direct relationship to the development of an attractive tourism product.
(o)Developing a tourism product which is essentially Caribbean and which though maximizing economic benefits, has minimal adverse social and psychological effects on the integrity of Caribbean peoples.
(p)Encouraging the recognition of tourism as a mode of education in Caribbean life and encouraging the study of tourism in its fullest aspect within the Caribbean curricula.
(q)Providing forums where hotel and other tourism interests in the Caribbean may meet with Caribbean Governments for the discussion of issues of common interest.
(r)Helping members and tourist interests in the Caribbean to develop tourism policies which are consistent with the development of tourism in the Caribbean.
(s)Providing advice to member governments on legislation and policy formation which may affect the development of the tourism industry within the region.
(t)Negotiating with Governments, Regional and International Agencies, either directly or indirectly, or through the appropriate agencies or bodies, and with such groups as may be considered necessary, on behalf of members of the Organization as may be required from time to time, to increase the human and financial resources of CTO and in the interest of the peoples of the Caribbean.
(u)Seeking to ensure that Caribbean tourism is fully used for the development of the Caribbean peoples.
CTO shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity, and shall always operate under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. All references in this document to either sex shall be interpreted as applying equally to both sexes.
- There shall be a Council of Tourism Ministers & Commissioners of CTO member countries comprising Ministers of Tourism, Commissioners of Tourism, Secretaries of State for Tourism or others of equivalent rank, depending on the nomenclature utilized by the member governments of CTO. This Council shall be the highest Body of the Organization comprising public sector representatives and shall be responsible for establishing Caribbean tourism policy.
- The Council shall meet a minimum of once per year at the AGM to approve the budget and policies of the Organization as well as execute its other constitutional responsibilities.
- The Council shall have the power to appoint, discipline or remove the Secretary General as set out in ByLaw III, paragraph 2 of the CTO ByLaws.
- The Council shall establish as and when needed a Constitutional Committee comprising Members of the Council.
- The Council shall determine, on the recommendation of the Board of Directors, in what proportion the members of the Organization shall bear the expenses of the Organization.
- The Chairman of the Council, and the holding of the Chairmanship by any member country, shall be for a period of two years, and neither the individual nor the member country shall succeed himself or itself in the same post or capacity. The member country and the individual is however eligible for reelection after a period of two years following the end of the term of office.
- Only member governments whose dues have been paid in full up to and including the year preceding that in which elections are taking place, are eligible to vote in elections or to stand for elections.
- If an individual on the Council vacates office before the expiration of his term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by a new individual appointed by the Government in which the vacancy arose, and he shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of his predecessor.
1.There shall be a Board of Directors, which shall comprise:
(a)One representative in good financial standing, from each of the Member States of CTO appointed by its Government who shall be the Director of Tourism or the equivalent. Governments may appoint an alternate as necessary.
(b)Four representatives from the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) appointed by that body.
(c)Six representatives from air transport interests elected by airlines from among the airlines membership, and of these six, at least two shall be representatives of Caribbean owned airlines, one a representative of a European airline and one a representative of a Canadian airline.
(d)Three representatives from among the cruise ship interests serving the Caribbean, elected from among the cruise ship membership.
(e)Five representatives drawn from and elected by the Allied Membership.
(f)Five representatives drawn from Chapter Presidents elected by the Chapter Presidents and of these five, at least one shall be the President of a European Chapterand one the president of a Canadian chapter.
(g)HONORARY MEMBERS of the Board of Directors shall be persons to whom the Board of Directors extends non-voting membership as an expression of appreciation for outstanding service rendered to Caribbean tourism in either public or private life.
2.The names of the representatives on the Board of Directors as at (a) and (b) shall be notified in writing by the CTO Member Governments and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association, to the Secretary General of CTO prior to the commencement of the term of a new Board of Directors, and shall be elected for a period of two years.
3.Representatives listed at (c) to (f) inclusive, provided that they are in good financial standing, shall be elected to the Board of Directors of CTO for two years.
4.Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by the Board.
5.A quorum for any meeting of the Board of Directors shall comprise a simple majority of the Government Members.
1.The Board of Directors of CTO shall be the Executive Body of the Organization comprising public and private sector representatives, and shall be responsible for overall direction of the activities and programmes of the organization within the policies prescribed by the Council of Ministers & Commissioners. The powers and functions of the Board of Directors shall be to:
(a)Consider the tourism programmes and activities of CTO as presented by the Executive staff, and to take such action as is necessary.
(b)Receive, consider, and approve reports relating to the matters outlined at (a).
(c)Receive and recommend for approval to the Council of Ministers & Commissioners the annual budget and audited financial statements of CTO.
(d)Receive and approve the work programme of CTO.
(e)Establish such standing technical committees as are deemed necessary, comprising CTO Members of the Board and other technical persons considered necessary for the conduct of the work of CTO. The Chairmen of the technical committees shall be Government Members of the Board of Directors.
(f)Coopt any person to assist in the work of the Board of Directors as it sees fit from time to time.
(g)Do all other such acts as may be necessary for fulfilling the objectives of CTO.
2.All decisions of the Board of Directors and committees shall be by a simple majority of members present and voting, provided that the number of government votes present and exercised, exceeds the number of no-government votes present and exercised.
3.Each Government member shall have two votes and each non government member one vote.
1.The Officers of the Board of Directors shall comprise:
(a)The Chairman, ViceChairman representating member countries of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), Vice Chairman representing non-OECS English Caribbean, Vice Chairman representing French speaking territories, Vice-Chairman representing Spanish speaking territories, Vice Chairman representing Dutch speaking territories, Vice Chairman representing United States affiliated territories who, in the case of the Chairman, shall be that person holding the substantive position of Director of Tourism or the equivalent, from the member country from which the Chairman of the Council of Ministers & Commissioners hails, and in the case of the Vice Chairmen, shall be those persons holding the substantive position of Directors of Tourism or the equivalent, all to be elected from among the various groupings or categories of Government members. The composition of each category of Vice Chairmanship is as set out in Annex III.
(b)Such other persons as the Board from time to time deems appropriate, who shall be selected from the Board members representing classifications of membership other than governments. The number and categories serving at any given time shall be set out in By-Law III.
2.The officers of the Board shall serve as the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.
3.With respect to elections of officers
(a)The Chairman shall be appointed as prescribed in Article 8(1)(a), all Vice Chairmen, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of CTO with voting for each Vice Chairman restricted to the Government Membership of each category of Vice Chairmanship as outlined in Annex III.
(b)Each of the private sector officers of the Board of Directors shall be selected respectively by the persons comprising the classification of membership from which the officer is to be selected.
(c)If, on the first ballot, no candidate obtains an absolute majority, a second ballot shall be taken between the two candidates who obtained the most votes. In the event of a tie, the result shall be determined by lot.
4.The tenure of the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall reflect the tenure of Chairman of the Council of Ministers & Commissioners, and the latter has the right to appoint an interim Chairman in the event of the removal or incapacity of the substantive Chairman of the Board.
5.In the absence of the Chairman from any meeting, the Vice-Chairmen present shall elect a Chairman for that meeting.
6.Only members whose dues have been paid in full up to and including the year preceding that in which elections are taking place, are eligible to vote in elections or to stand for elections.
7.If a member of the Board of Directors or any officer of the Board of Directors, other than the Chairman, vacates office before the expiration of his term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by a new Director or Officer appointed by the Government or organization in which the vacancy arose, and he shall hold office for the remainder of the term of office of his predecessor.
1.The Executive Sub-Committee, of the Board of Directors, shall be the management committee of the Board of Directors, taking decisions on all aspects of CTO's work in between meetings of the Board.
2.The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Sub-Committee. In his absence the Vice Chairmen present will select one of its government members to act as Chairman of the Executive Sub-Committee.
3.The Executive Sub-Committee shall meet at such time and place as its Chairman through the Secretary General shall direct.
4.Members of the Executive Sub-Committee may appoint alternates to represent them in their absence at meetings.
5.Each Government member of the Executive Sub-Committee shall have two votes, and each nonGovernment member one vote. In the event of a tie the presiding Chairman at the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his original votes. Decisions of the Executive Sub-Committee shall be by a simple majority of members present and voting, provided that the number of government votes cast exceeds the number of votes cast from non-government members.
6.A quorum shall comprise a simple majority of the Government members of the Executive Sub-Committee.
7.The Executive Sub-Committee shall be responsible for carrying out any duties of the Board of Directors delegated to it by the Board of Directors. Its Agenda shall be decided by the Chairman in consultation with the Secretary General.