Carrie / Wednesday, April 11, 2007

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Select the Maintain Schedule of Classes link

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The Maintain Schedule of Classes page appears

·  Enter the Academic Institution ASU 00

·  Enter the Term 2081 (Spring 08)

·  Enter Subject Area

·  Click the Yellow Search Button

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Select the appropriate course from the list.

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To add a new section of a class

·  Select the Last link to move to the end of the record

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Select the *Class Section link

·  Click the + icon to add a new row

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·  Select the appropriate Session type for your class. Most classes will be REG (or DYN if using Dynamic Dates)

·  Enter the Class Section number for your course, the first section of a class should be 1001; the second section should be 1002, etc.
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Select the Component and Class Type for you class

·  Select the Component for your class. Use the icon to see what components are available for your class.

·  Select the correct Class Type for this section using the drop down box. Most class types will be Enrollment; Non-Enrollment is used for associated classes such as lectures with labs.

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Ensure the *Associated Class number is correct

·  Change the *Associated Class number to match the last digit(s) of your Class Section number. This field defaults to the number 1 but generally should match the last number of the Class Section if the Class Type is Enrollment (i.e.: if your Class Section number is 1013, your associated class number should be 13). If you are associating two sections of a class, for example a lecture with a mandatory lab, your Associated Class # should match that on the enrollment section.

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Check the correct Location to indicate where the class will be held

·  To select the Location where your class is to be held use the icon.

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Indicate the suitable Instructional Mode

·  To select the available Instruction Mode offerings use the icon
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·  Click on the Instruction Mode your class requires. You may type in the abbreviation for this field on the Basic Data page if you know what it is.
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Click the Save button

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Click the OK button

·  If you receive this warning message continue to click ok until you are returned to the Basic Data page. This warning is to make you aware that you do not have a topic on a “Special Topics” or Omnibus course and will need to enter one before the students view the schedule.
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Select the Course Topic ID for this section if needed

·  To view the available Course Topic ID choices available for your class by using the icon.

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·  Note: if you need changes or corrections to the list please send your request to
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Click the Save button

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