School of Social Science

Expression of Interest for

Employmentas a Casual Tutor


Note that this expression of interest is only held in the school for the particular semester and are not held on file for future semesters. Interested students are required to submit a new expression of interest each semester when requested.

UPDATED Statement Regarding Appointment

Please note that tutor EOIs are approved or not approved by the Head of School who authorises casual appointments. If you are approved for tutoring work, your name will go on the Approved Tutor List for Course Coordinators to select their tutors from, and they will then make contact with their preferred tutor/s.

Personal Details

Full Name: / Title:
Phone Number: / Email:
Home Address:
Qualifications: / (include institution & year awarded)
Current Enrolment: / FT PT N/A / Program:
Scholarships: / (name of any currently held academic awards or scholarships)

Are you a current Higher Degree Research student? (yes or no)______

If yes, in the School of Social Science? ______

If no, provide further information eg what institution if HDR elsewhere; or PhD graduate, etc


Selection Criteria

Casual Tutors should meet the following criteria:

  • tutors normally have a current enrollment at UQ as a Higher Degree Research student, with priority given to School of Social Science HDRstudents;
  • must have completed the Faculty Tutor Training Program before commencement of appointment or at least undertake the training concurrent to the first semester of tutoring;
  • knowledge and enthusiasm about the discipline area;
  • knowledge of relevant methodological skills


  • an ability to work effectively with other members of the team working on the course;
  • knowledge of the course structure and materials;
  • evidence of previous tutoring

NOTE: Other than in exceptional one-off circumstances no student enrolled as an Undergraduate or Honours students may undertake tutoring in the School of Social Science.

School of Social Science

Teaching Preferences

Which discipline/s would you be interested in tutoring?

Anthropology Archaeology Criminology Sociology

Please list specific subject areas or courses that you can tutor in.

Additional Information Required

Curriculum Vitae attached
Academic referee's contact details (optional)*

Academic Referee: / Email:
Position/Title: / Phone:

* (but recommended for applicants who have not previously tutored/taught in the School)

Have you completed Faculty of HASS tutor training? YES NO

Please state any restrictions to your employment (e.g. scholarship or visa restrictions)

Have you discussed this with your supervisor? ...YES NO

TEVALS/SETutors (Optional)

The School would like to invite all applicants to submit a copy of their teaching evaluation results. Whilst this is only an invitation the School will consider these results when appointing tutors.


Please return completed EOIs (with CVs)via Emailto the School of Social Science:
