Rheumatic Fever Prevention

Tairāwhiti Māori Community Innovation Fund


Whāia te Hauora I Roto I te Kotahitanga

A Healthier Tairāwhiti by Working Together

The facts

Rheumatic fever is a preventable disease that may develop following an infection of the throat with bacteria called Group A Streptococcus. If left untreated the infection may lead to a response within the body that may permanently damage the heart through the development of rheumatic heart disease (RHD)

Rheumatic fever amongst our Māori whānau:

·  Rheumatic fever and RHD has the highest impact upon Māori and Pacific Children in New Zealand

·  Tairāwhiti has some of the highest rates of rheumatic fever in the country

The Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme key strategies include:

·  Increase awareness of rheumatic fever, what causes it and how to prevent it

·  Reduce household crowding and therefore reduce household transmission of strep throat bacteria within households

·  Improve access to timely and effective treatment for strep throat infections in priority communities

The Innovation Fund

The Tairāwhiti Māori Community Innovation Fund is one off funding to support Māori Community groups to create and put into action their own ideas to improve awareness and help reduce rheumatic fever. The intention is to ‘think outside the square’ in order to develop initiatives not only aligned to the key strategies of the Rheumatic Fever Prevention Programme but both relevant and responsive to local whanau and communities. This contestable fund is made available in the form of x4 lots of $25,000 grants (total investment for the Tairāwhiti region is $100,000). It is anticipated that initiatives will be implemented by mid to late August 2016 and will conclude by 9 December 2016.

Who can apply?

Eligible / Not eligible
Māori community group or any group who services a catchment with at least a 50 percent Māori population.
Groups submitting proposals might be Māori health providers, church groups, schools, sports clubs or other non-health non-government organisations
Community groups within the Tairāwhiti region only. / Groups outside the Tairāwhiti region.
Current Rheumatic Fever Prevention providers
Current providers can partner with other organisation such as schools, churches, Kohanga Reo, marae or other community groups who will be the lead provider.

The process

There is no formal application template; however the proposal must include the following:

·  A profile of your organisation and a synopsis of your core business (there is a form attached or this information may be incorporated into your proposal document)

·  A description of the initiative detailing:

o  What is the initiative and how does it relate to the Rheumatic Fever Prevention key strategies?

o  Which community or demographic will the initiative be designed for?

o  How will it be delivered?

o  Where will it be delivered?

o  The capacity that your organisation has to successfully deliver the initiative. Who will be responsible for the initiative?

o  The timeframe, timeline or sequence of events. This may also include milestones. If successful, how soon could you rollout? (an application timeline follows)

o  What will success look like? How will it be measured and reported?

·  A detailed budget that clearly shows the amount requested and projected costs


Proposal window opens / Monday 11th July 2016
All proposals MUST be received by / Friday 29th July 2016
Selection panel meet / Week of 1st August 2016
Applicants notified of outcome / By Friday 5th August 2016
Contract negotiations and lead in time / Completed by Friday 19th August 2016
Start date for Initiatives / From Monday 22nd August 2016
End date for Initiatives / Friday 9th December 2016


·  The maximum funding allocation available per initiative is up to $25,000. Multiple initiatives MAY be approved across the Tairāwhiti region

·  The initiative MUST be delivered between 22nd August 2016 and 9th December 2016 (16 weeks). Initiatives may be shorter than 16 weeks, such as an impact at a one off event.

·  All proposals are assessed by panel members from various organisations with an interest in Rheumatic Fever Prevention. This panel may require you to present your initiative in person

·  Proposals MUST be received electronically by NO LATER than Friday 29th July 2016. Late proposals WILL NOT be considered.[i]

Contact for support or queries

The Hauora Tairāwhiti contact is: Lawrence Tangaere (06) 869-2095 extn 8737

Organisation profile

The profile must include the following details:

1.  Contact person for your proposal
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Mobile Number:
Email Address:
Is the contact person authorised to negotiate? / Yes / No
2.  Organisation Profile
Full legal name
Trading name (if different)
Physical address:
Postal address:
Company website:
Type of entity:
Company registration #:
GST registration number:

Useful links and resources

Tairāwhiti Rheumatic Fever Prevention Plan available for download from:


The Health Promotion Agency has information available at:


The Ministry of Health has information available at:

