Agenda – Master Class2014: Session 1

Green Economy andPossibilities for Public Participation in Belarus

May29-31, 2014

Location – Belarus, to be confirmed

Experts and Speakers:

  • RuslanZhechkov, SeniorExpertEnvironmental Financing, REC, Hungary
  • Raisa Gerasina, Grants Manager,REC, Hungary
  • IvanBlokov, Programme Director,Greenpeace, Russia
  • YuliaYablonskaia, Chairperson,IPO Ecopartnership, Belarus
  • EugeniLobanov, Director,Centre for Environmental Solutions, Belarus
  • SergeiLaboda, Director, Feedback Centre of Effective Communication, Belarus

Day1 (Thursday)
Time / Topic
10:00-11:00 / Introduction
Yulia Yablonskaia,Raisa Gerasina, Sergei Laboda
Objective: To introduce the Master Class, expected results and the role of participants;to introduce participants to one another:
  • Key note speech and Master Class objectives/topics/rationale(Yulia Yablonskaia andRaisa Gerasina)
  • Ice breaker(Sergei Laboda)

(breaks included at trainer’s discretion) / What is green economy?
Objective: To explore what is meant by green economy:
  • Green accounting
  • Environmental fiscal reform
  • Green economyindicators

13:00-14:00 / Lunch
(breaks included at trainer’s discretion) / Green economy(continuation)
Ruslan Zhechkov
Objective:To explore how green economy is linked with energy, agriculture and water resources:
  • Green economy across sectors:
­Water resources
  • Case studies on green economy from the EU

16:00-17:00 / Prospects for green economy in Belarus
Objective: To discuss national programmes and prospects for green economy:
- Energy
- Agriculture
- Water resources
Day 2 (Friday)
Time / Topic
9:30-13:00(breaks included at trainer’s discretion) / The internationalsituation and tendencies in the environmental sectorandtheroleofCSOs
Objective: ToexplorethesituationandpossibilitiesforenvironmentalCSOstoparticipateininternationalprocesses:
  • GreenpeaceinRussia, case studies
  • Greenpeace and other international CSOs: Practicesandmethodsofwork

13:00-14:00 / Lunch
(breaks included at trainer’s discretion) / The situation in Russia
Ivan Blokov
  • Environmental tendencies in Russia
  • Relevantinternationalenvironmentalprocesses(notincludingclimate negotiations) and CSOmethods of work

16:00-17:00 / Workshop
IvanBlokov, EugeniLobanov
Objective: Todeveloppracticalskillsforparticipatingin international processes:
  • Belarus in international processes
  • Howtosolveenvironmentalproblemsusingthe practicesandmethodsofinternationalorganisations
  • Whatnational (local) issuescanbesolvedby applyinginternationalmechanisms

Day 3 (Saturday)
Time / Topic
(breaks included at trainer’s discretion) / The developmentofa roadmap on green economy for Belarusian CSOs
Objective: TodiscusstherelevanceforBelarusofthe greeneconomyconceptandtopreparearoadmapongreeneconomywithpossibleCSO actions:
  • Definition ofpossibleactionsandessentialmeasures
  • RecommendationsforCSOsongreen economy, a programme on green economy development in Belarus, projectideas, campaignideas, and partnerships for efficient cooperation

13:00-13:30 / Lunch
13:00-13:30 / Close
Raisa Gerasinaand Yulia Yablonskaia
  • Wrap-up of the Master Class, identifying main results
  • Distribution ofcertificates