Inman Middle School

Local School Council Minutes

March 10, 2014

Meeting called to order: 4:37 pm

Members Present: Tim Langan, Lynette Slovensky, Parry Ruder, Michelle Constantinides, Thomas Kenner, Leah Ervin, Lori van Rossem, Ann Jones

Visitors present: Mr. Walker (Assistant Principal)

Members Absent: Kathy Boehmer, Mary Jo Bryan, Dedra Evans, Morna Gailor

Approval of Agenda: approved unanimously

Approval of February Minutes:approved unanimously

Principal Update/Inman Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)Data:

  1. Computer Adaptive Testing Results: Reading and math data has been disaggregated. Mr. Kenner did not have the information to pass out at the meeting to compare test results to CIP goals, but he will send it to LSC members via email this week. Science and Social Studies do not have quantitative specific benchmarks but Inman teachers are doing less formal assessments to try to assure that students are on target.
  2. Attendance: Mr. Walker reported that as of today 24.2% of students have 6 or more absences. Our CIP goal is ≤ 35% at year’s end. Of note: about 30-40% of these students with 6 or more absences so far have 504 special needs plans which may indicate medical issues that can contribute to absenteeism.
  3. School Culture: no update today—will have an update next meeting.
  4. Projections 2013-14: APS projects 934 total students for Inman next year:6th 283, 7th 338, 8th 313. Our staffing allotment indicates we will lose two core teachers but gain 3 gifted teachers and one health/PE position.
  5. Title 1: The $128,000 of extra Title 1 money granted to Inman last month has been reduced to $100,000. Based on input from teachers and restrictions on how the money can be spent, Inman has decided that most of the money will be used for laptop carts as they are often in demand and we could benefit from having more. Ms. Stewart is getting quotes—we hope to get two or three 32-computer carts. Dr. Presley, Instructional Coach and LSC member, was promoted to a new Data Coach position at Maynard Jackson High School and is no longer at Inman. Inman admin has determined that hiring a new person to fill out her job before the school year ends is not practical; a better use of these Title 1 salary funds will be to hire some math tutors to help our students learn math concepts and improve CRCT scores.
  6. myBackPack: APS is launching myBackPack, a software program accessible by any internet-capable device that will provide virtual learning opportunities for students by grade and subject. In the future, this program can help students keep up with learning when school is cancelled due to weather issues.
  7. Summer Academy: Mr. Walker reported that Summer Academy enrollment is opening soon. Classes will be held at King Middle School for rising 7th and 8thgraders and at Grady for rising 9thgraders. Summer Academy is open to all students in Title 1 schools with priority given to kids with lower test scores.

Old Business:

  1. Inman Expansion Planning: Parry Ruder and Tamara Jones are gathering community feedback related to the design plans. The Inman LSC expansion subcommittee has submitted a summary of suggestions to the APS Inman Expansion Committee. The next APS Inman Expansion Committee meeting has not been set although it is supposed to take place this month.
  2. Title 1 Funds: see above; Mr. Kenner also reported that in a recent Principals’ meeting, they were told that the current minimum for school wide Title 1 designation is 35% of students qualifying for free or reduced lunch. Inman is at 38% this year.
  3. Enrollment Projections:see above.

New Business:

  1. Transportation/Safety issues: Kathy Boehmer could not be here to present a summary of bus concerns, butMr. Kenner said he would try to find out whom to contact regarding the lack of working cameras on the school buses. Mr. Walker dispelled a rumor related to a child hit by a car in a crosswalk. There was an incident where a car bumped a student but it was without injury. Members discussed lack of painted crosswalks at Park Dr. and Clemont and other locations along Park Drive. Mr. Kenner will contact the city to try to get crosswalks painted.
  2. New Principal Selection Process: The Inman principal position has been posted. No timeline has been communicated yet. Tim Langan is following up with APS to try to get the timeline.

Public Comment: None

Meeting adjourned: 5:38 pm