Wisner, NEAugust 8, 2016 – August 12, 2016

Monday: Today the crane came in to fix the leg at pit 2. Joe and I were with them most of the day and we trained them in our safety procedures and made sure we had them informed of our emergency action plan. I also ran pits 3 and 4 for most of the day but mostly pit 3. Everything ran pretty smoothly, except the reclaim drag for 306 got clogged. It wasn’t a big deal, nothing broke. Joe and I got it unclogged without any problems. Then we waited and watched the crane operators to make sure everything was going smoothly and locked up after they left.


Today was my first day as the superintendent and I think it went pretty well. I ran the whole toolbox meeting and gave everyone their tasks for the day, and for the most part everything got done that needed to be. There were some things that would take more than one day to finish so those didn’t get finished. While they were doing their tasks, I made a few phone calls to get some things for the elevator. I called Stan Ortmeierto see if he could come in a check out what was wrong with our one overhead door at alley 1 and I also called Overhead Door to see if they could come at some point to fix it after Ortmeier looked at it. I then called Country Welding to see if our order of steel was done and got them to deliver it for us. The last thing I did was help Chris with the bin measuring cables to get the last ones installed and ready to go. Other than that, I just went around and made sure everyone was keeping busy and on task and check if they needed any help. At the end of the day, I went around and checked that everything was closed up and I locked up the elevator.


Today pretty much went the same as yesterday. I changed some of the tasks that they needed to do but other than that it was another smooth day. Dan was cleaning out the ground auger for the 300 series bins and Chris was running pit 2. I had to write out a few hot work permits that I had Josh look over and sign so that they could get their work done. I then helped clean the ground auger and run pit 2. It was a pretty slow but productive day.


Ortmeier and the Overhead Door Company came in today, but they weren’t caught up in training, so Josh and I showed them the contractor safety video and had them fill out all the necessary paperwork. After that, I ordered a new sump pump for us and had Matt pick it up on his way back from Columbus. Once he got here with that, Chris and I sumped out boot pit 3 while Dan and James swept the beans in at 401. I then ran pits 2 and 3 while everyone else was doing their jobs for the day. All in all, it was another good day.


Today was slow for me. Being my last day, I spent it getting all of my stuff in order for when I left. It was a little emotional, Angie almost cried, but she managed to hold it in. In all seriousness though, I was pretty sad to leave. I enjoyed working here this summer and I’ll miss my fellow workers. I didn’t do much out in the facility, just ran the pits occasionally. I helped out everyone as much as I could and had a few good talks with some of the drivers for the last time. The weather was perfect as well, so it was a pretty good last day.