Quality weaners at Toogoolawah create a strong market. 1,570 cattle yarded last Friday with approximately 1,000 quality weaners, buyers seized the opportunity to purchase lines of well bred, weaned, good temperament steers and heifers.
ORIGIN / DESCRIPTION / PRICEBeaudesert / Droughtmaster & Santa cows & calves / $1,700, $1,620, $1,680 & $1,590
Biarra / Charolais x cows / $1,660
Droughtmaster cows PTIC / $1,270
Blackbutt / Droughtmaster weaner steers / $915
Bryden / Charolais x steer calves / $925
Colinton / Charolais x steer calves / $965, $865 & $860
Charolais x heifers / $785
Crows Nest / Charolais x steers 24 mths / $1,435
Charolais x steer calves / $945
Charolais x & Santa x heifers / $805
Dayboro / Charolais x weaner steers / $1,040
Charbray cows / $1,580
Derrymore / Charolais x heifers / $865
Glasshouse Mtns / Charbray steer calves / $735
Goomeri / Charolais x weaner steers / $950
Harlin / Droughtmaster steers / $1,040
Kilcoy / Droughtmaster steers 16 mths / $1,155
Charbray steers 18 mths / $1,250
Charbray steer calves 16 mths / $965
Brahman x weaner steers / $910
Charolais x heifers 20 mths / $1,235
Charolais x heifer calves / $800 & $790
Limousin Charbray weaner heifers / $735, $720, $715, $560 & $660
Kingaroy / Charolais x weaner steers / $905
Lake Manchester / Charbray heifer calves / $740
Linville / Brangus steers 16 mths / $1,085
Charolais x weaner steers / $1,005
Charolais x steers / $915, $880 & $865
Charolais x weaner heifers / $1,005
Charolais heifer calves / $840
Charolais x heifers / $780
Mixed breed heifers / $940
Charolais heifer calves / $760 & $750
Minden / Charolais cows PTIC / $1,600 & $1,380
Monsildale / Charbray x weaner steers / $915
Mt Stanley / Charolais & Droughtmaster x weaner steers / $1,060, $1,000, $990, $905 & $920
Mt Walker / Charolais steer calves / $935
Nanango / Charolais x steer calves / $970, $920, $925 & $860
Charolais x heifer calves / $800, $765 & $750
Toogoolawah / Charolais x steers 18 mths / $1,375
Droughtmaster x steers / $1,340
Droughtmaster x steers 18 mths / $1,215
Droughtmaster steers 15 mths / $1,135
Angus x weaner steers / $860
Charolais x heifers 18 mths / $1,155
Droughtmaster heifers / $1,080