March 4, 2014
Call Meeting to Order: 7:10 pm
Attendance: Andy Kellert, Jeff Laberge, Kate Clifford, Kim Gross,
Tom Noble, Chris Edgerly, Cindy Lauer, Shawn Lauer, Derrick Spence, Jennifer Charette, Jennifer Ross, Annette Winland, Rachel Gregor Stang
Chaired By: Andy Kellert
Minutes: Kate Clifford
Review of February Minutes: Complete
Accept February Minutes: Rachel
Adopt new Agenda: Shawn Lauer
Corrections to February Minutes: None
Minutes Accepted by: Shawn Lauer
-Team charge backs – stick to what team managers signed, unable tochange mid-season. If teams return the ice within the 14 day notice they will not be charged for it unless it is without control and done early (provincials and early season setting up the ice). Late returns for Feb/Mar will be invoiced no later than April 10th at a rate of $89/hour for ice slots. Team will not be charged for extra team officials if the safety person is an assistant coach as well as HA has said if duplicate names on team only one card required and charged for.
-Need updated list from Derrick for team officials ASAP to plan for next season coaching certification requirements.
-New Association Zamboni Decals have been picked up and installed by Andy
-Downward player movement within our association for practices had a split decision between the executives. Head coaches were asked their opinions. Looking at getting something set up and organized for the rule book in the near future. Hoping to have a working model set up for the fall AGM. This is due from hockey Alberta relaxing the rules on this as permits were previously required.
-Referee pictures and recognition, Cindy is working on this. Planning on getting their pictures taken before April and hoping to also do up a bag as a thank you for their participation. Look at pricing for this, approximately $50/bag with 18 Ref’s
-Positions up for Election:
Voting: VP, Registrar, Coach Development, Atom A & Above
Non-Voting: Treasurer, Equipment Manager, Atom & Below, Website/Communications
- Positions to be discussed – Ref Assignor, Ice Allocator, Ref in Chief, 1660 Rep, AG Board Liaison.
- Need to keep a rotation so that it isn’t a whole new board every year. Look at better ways to advertise the opening positions ahead of time so people attending the AGM have time to think about the roles before stepping up to the position and ask questions early rather than the day of the AGM.
Team Assistants:
-IP: All is Good
-PreNovice: All Good
-Novice: Lost by 1 goal, going to consolation
-Atom B: Won first round, off to Camrose. Tied for second place in their division
-Atom A: Made the provincials, first since 2007. First round this weekend against Strathcona. Provincials next weekend. Tiered perfect
-Peewee: Lost provincials by 1 goal. Playing Lamont or Wetaskiwin next weekend. 2 rounds left in the semi- finals. Tiering was not good this year.
-Bantam: Tied first game of the final and lost in the shoot-out. Moving to consolation round. Tournament in Bashaw on the weekend
Ice Allocator: Andy for JeremyBoute
-Waiting for February’s invoice from the AG society.
-Last few weeks of ice gets hectic. 5 teams in playoff’s. Might need lower level teams ice times if ice schedule is really tight. Have some open ice currently but some teams may need to play during weeknights to get games in under deadlines.
Fundraising/Commitment Coordinator: Jennifer Charette
-TV raffle still waiting
-Bottle drive was maybe $100.00 – was not able to pay out the $250.00. $600.00 was made last year. IP/Prenovice (Jennifer Charette) donated all of the bottles. Look at doing something else next year.
-Oilers 50/50 was submitted with only 52 people. 2 people possibly added today but will have to look and see if it is allowed through the Oilers. Names not transferrable. Volunteer package being sent out tomorrow by email. Bus is rented ($909.00) paid for by the Oilers and booked with pick up locations set. Need to be there at 5:00 sharp!! Will have to check and see how long it takes to receive the funds.
-Email sent out regarding families who have not filled their commitments hours.
- IP/Prenovice: 1 – cheque to be cashed
- Novice: 1 – Looking to see if cheque can be cashed
- Atom A: 1–cheque to be cashed
- Atom B: 1 –cheque to be cashed
- Peewee: 1 – cheque to be cashed
- Bantam: 2 – 1 family had 4 hours so will be prorated for the rest, 1-looking to see if cheque can be cashed
-Teams need to contact Anita or Jodi that all equipment is returned on or before April 15th. Jerseys (game & practice) washed, goalie equipment, first aid, manager books etc.
Risk Management: Jeff Laberge
-Team injury reports were submitted where necessary. Some funds can be reimbursed if crutches are needed for example. Have 90 days to look into getting reimbursed.
Ref-in Chief: Cindy Lauer
-Daryl submitted clinic for next year. Level 1 will be in New Sarepta next year which will just be 1 class. Beaumont has been called to see if we can join with them to do a level 2clinic.
Website/Communications: Tom Noble
-Will need the information before the AGM to put on the website. Needed by March 15th
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AG Board Liaison: Shawn Lauer
-Main rink door is fixed
-Added bolt on Zamboni and door at the back
-Still working on everything else
-Door to time keepers box is suggested to look at as people have hurt their fingers
1660 League Report: Andy for Geoff Dowson
-Nothing to report
Association Finances: Kim Gross
-Account balance is $39,568.00
-GIC: $15,540.00 mature date was on February 27th and rolled into our general account. Going to see how much money we need for the end of the year and then put a big amount back in. Will determine the date later
-February 18th received the cheque from the casino $19,541.00. Will be looking at using this money for ice etc.
-Invoices for the unused ice and extra carded cheques have been made
-New auditor for yearend is needed. Looking for names to get it set up.
Vice President: Jeff Laberge
-Procedures and regulations have been discussed with Andy and Tom. Tom has typed these up and are hoping to have ready for September 2014. Large undertaking by the group but this documentation is required. Living document that will require tweaking each year. Jeff to see this going through and take the lead. Geoff Dowson has also volunteered to help. Book will need accepted by the AGM
Registrations: Cindy Lauer
-HCR online registration
- Hockey Alberta offers net banks part of optimal payments. 2.05% that the bank charge for $0.20
- Rate that is non-qualified credit cards. 2.45%
- $9.95 fee per month. This will be charged monthly even if needed for just 2 months
- PCI compliance which is the security, $35.00/year if you get people to key in their own information. This covers fraud. If Cindy does it is $204.00. To make sure it is secure
- All fees can be set up through the system. Everyone will need their Hockey Alberta Number and get everyone informed before it happens to make sure things are being done properly. Cindy would have to get everyone the proper information. That would be very important. We wouldhave an instruction manual. This can be linked to our website which is beneficial. First time registrations would start still with Cindy. Only needs 5 business days to set up account if all information is submitted correctly.
- Payment plan options are still available to families who need it.
- Cindy will continue looking into this and it will need discussed at the Spring AGM
-Will need to look at the projected numbers for next year
Level Directors
Atom B and Below: Tom Noble
-Team was wondering if the dividers were back at the association and they are. Andy replied they were.
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Atom A and Above: Chris Edgerly
-Midget team, Andy spoke to Tofield in hopes of forming a midget team next year. Tofield only had 10 skaters and 1 goalie. Tofield has determined they need bigger numbers next year. Hoping to team up with them. Chris will lead this up with Tofield and Andy. Merge with another association if required. Possible midget players for next year would be 12 players but need more like 15-16 to do on our own.
Player Development: Shawn Lauer
-Equipment room tenders, still searching
- Locker room budget is $5000.00
- Looking at individual lockers for each team. Ventilated etc.
- Andy has applied for a grant with Leduc County which may help with some of these costs if awarded.
Coach Development: Derrick Spence
-Andy to talk to Derrick about revising the coaching applications for next year
New Business:
-Post 30 days notification of AGM onto website and email, include deadline for motions of April 1st. Also remind all members that mandatory attendance is required by at least one family member, if not meeting cheques of $50.00/family will be cashed. Will work towards an agenda for the meeting to send out to membership by April 9, 2014
- Positions, motions etc. will be put into an agenda.
- Pre AGM April 8th
- In favor of applying: ALL
-Ice times and concerns, like late time for Peewee’s
-Executive approval lil buckaroo logo: Michelle has sent logo print out. Picture printed and executives have signed to approve logo.
-Association medals – 560 purchased years ago to be used for years to come. Team Name engraved.
-Ref plaque to be done by Cindy
- Referee Bags have changed to 19
-Extending the deadline for Volunteer awards and coach of the year as not many turned in to date– print off copies – due by March 15th
End 9:17pm
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