Anatomy 10Exam One Study Guide
*A study guide is meant to guide you. It is not a comprehensive list of questions on the exam. Make sure that you know how each term/phrase relates to the surrounding terms/phrases).*
Chapter One-The Human Body: An Orientation
- What is Anatomy? Physiology?
- Why are anatomy and physiology inseparable? (think structure and function)
- What are the levels of organization (atoms to organism) and what are you studying at each level?
- What is homeostasis? What are the components of homeostatic control mechanisms and what is their role in maintaining
- What is negative and positive feedback? Know the examples described in class.
- What is the purpose of the Anatomical position? What is the anatomical position?
- Know all regional and directional terms (anterior and posterior views)
- What are the three anatomical planes and what types of views (of the body/organs) do they allow you to see?
- What are the body cavities and the organs/cavities they contain?
- What are the nine abdominopelvic regions and their organs?
Chapter Two-Basic Chemistry
- What is matter?
- What is energy and the types discussed in class.
- What are atoms? What is atomic structure?
- What information does the atomic number and mass number tell you about an atom?
- What makes an atom reactive (unstable) or unreactive (stable)?
- What are the three types of chemical bonds discussed in classand how are they formed?
- What is electronegativity?what types of atoms (discussed in class) are electronegative? How does electronegativity relateto polar covalent bonds?
- What is an ion? What do you call a positively charged ion? Negatively charged ion? Why would an atom have a negative/positive
Charge (in other words, what subatomic particle have they lost/gained?
- What is the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?
- What is a molecule? Compound?
- What are the four macromolecules of the body and:
- What are the building blocks/ components needed to build each type?
- How do you classify carbohydrates?
- What is the function of each macromolecule?
- What are the differences/similarities between DNA and RNA?
- What type of macromolecule is an enzyme?
- What is phosphorylation and what high energy molecule does it involve?
Chapter Three (First half)-Cells and Cellular Processes
- Structure and function of cellular organelles discussed in class
- Active vs. passive transport processes. What determines whether a substance can pass directly through the plasma membrane or
must use a transport protein?
- What is a Concentration gradient? What does it mean to move substances down or against their gradient?
- What is Tonicity? What do hypertonic, isotonic and hypotonic solutions do to cells?
- During what part of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur? What enzymes are involved? (we only named two)
- What are the two periods of the cell cycle? What are the subphases of these two periods of the cell cycle and what happens in each?
- What is a chromosome, sister chromatid?
- Be able to define protein synthesis and basic information presented in class.