Dear Parents / Guardians and French 2 students,
I would like to welcome you to the second level of French. French 2 expands and advances the listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills learned in French 1 to secondary students in a two-semester course. These basic skills will be represented in the communication standards (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational) through daily communication activities, cultural topics, “hands on” activities, research projects, examinations, and additional reading assignments which will be part of the coursework.
In addition, the standards of the other four goal areas for learning languages – Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities – also support and are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. Across the school, all departments are embedding literacy standards to support our students' 21st century skills.
By focusing on the Hemet High School Student Goals, this course will enhance the student’s Reading, writing, and communication skills, Ethical, honest, and healthy behavior, Applied knowledge and reasoning skills, and help him/her become Life-long learners.
1- Text:. Bon Voyage 2 by Glencoe-McGraw Hill. Books are to be covered at all times.
2- Materials: Every day, students will need a pen (NO RED!), a pencil, a three-ring binder (1.5 inch or +) that is designated for French only. This three-ring binder will be divided in 5 categories (vocabulaire, grammaire, culture, travail (homework and classwork), examens).
Students will also make flashcards during class using index cards. They will need an index cards box, case, or ring to keep them attached and organized.
3- Philosophy: I believe that all students can behave appropriately in my classroom, and that every student has the right to learn.
4- PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports): All Bulldogs students will follow the school wide expectations and will prove to be Respectful, Responsible, and Accountable.
5- Class rules:
- Students will be in their seats when the tardy bell rings.
- Students will come prepared to class with a pen, pencil, book, binder, and homework (when assigned).
- There will be no food, drinks (except water), or gum in the classroom.
- Students will stay in their seats until the dismissal bell rings.
- Students will treat everyone in the class with respect.
If a student chooses to break a rule, these consequences will follow:
1-in-class intervention + parent/guardian contact
2- OCR
3- Administrator referral
- Cell phones as well as any electronic devices have to be turned off and put away before school/class begins. NO USE OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING CLASS!!!
If a student chooses to break this rule:
-on the 1st offense, the device will be handed to an administrator and kept in the office until the coming Thursday after school.
-on the 2nd offense, parents/guardians will pick up the device in the administrator’s office.
6- Grading: Grades will be based on cumulative points earned for weekly oral and written quizzes and tests, homework, class assignments, and oral participation. Your percentage (%) will derive from your total points earned divided by the total amount of points possible and your grade will be based on the following scale:
97 -100%=A+ 87-89%=B+ 77-79%=C+ 67-69%=D+
94-96%=A 84-86%=B 74-76%=C 64-66%=D
90-93%=A- 80-83%=B- 70-73%=C- 60-63%=D-
59% and below=F
7- Class participation: In acquiring a foreign language, it is critical that your son/daughter be in class to participate in daily communication activities. Class attendance is essential for growth in the language and for obtaining good grades. There is a lot of information that will be made available during class. Being in class is one of the best ways to assure yourself of a better grade. Tardies are disruptive to the class and cause a loss of time on task for everyone. Absences, excused or unexcused, will result in no credit for participation on the day of the absence. Note that the participation points earned will be counted as extra credit at the end of each triad.
8- Tardy policy: If a student is 3 minutes late, he/she will be allowed in class but will lose the daily participation points. After the 6th time, the student will be directed to the Tardy room where parents/guardians will be contacted. After the 12th time, the student will be referred to the discipline office.
9- Homework and makeup work: Homework will be assigned as needed but I strongly encourage students to study/review at least ½ hour every night. Homework assignments will be due at the beginning of the period – NO exceptions. If the student has an excused absence, he/she will have two days for every absent day to make up and receive credit for missed work.
10- Extra-curricular students: If you miss the class for a school activity, it is your responsibility to get your assignment to me that day. You will not have an extra night to do an assignment. Have a friend turn it in or give it to the front office to put in my mailbox.
! Cheating or copying a test, quiz, classwork, or homework will result in zero points. The student will have no right to make up any work where cheating or copying occurred.
11- Binder: All assignments will be kept in your binder. A general rule is to never throw anything away in this class; it belongs in your French binder.
Your success in the class will depend on your best efforts and your motivation.
- Please refer to the student/parent handbook for more information on any school policies.
In order to stay informed and in case of an absence, you can also check our website at, where you will be able to find your student’s weekly agenda, warm up activities, homework (when assigned), and any information pertinent to their French class. In case of an absence, your student can check our class website by following these steps:
-go to
-click on “Academics”
-click on “Departments”
-click on “Foreign Language”
-click on “Classes”
Chose the class your student is enrolled in. There he/she will be able to find any homework or classwork assignment they need to make up. Just a reminder that each student has 2 days per absent day to make up missing work!
You can also subscribe to the web page and receive an email each time the website is updated with new assignments (daily warm up activity and/or homework).
If your student is not able to log on to the internet at home, please encourage them to go to the library where they will be able to log on.
Yet another tool to receive reminders and updates from me is to sign up on Remind. Attached you will find some instructions on how to sign up for your student’s class.
Don’t forget to check on Aeries as well to check your student’s grade on a regular basis!
I believe this year will be a positive and enjoyable experience for students and parents, and I look forward to the experience as well. Feel free to contact me if you would like to talk further about anything in this letter. The best way to reach me is via email at .
For better communication, please make sure that the school has your updated contact information.
Thank you!
Mme J. Connell
Please sign this slip of paper acknowledging that you have read and discussed the course syllabus and website information with your son/daughter. Please return this page by Monday, August 14th 2017.
Parent/Guardian Date
Signature please print name
Student Date
Signature please print name
Email (parents/guardians)