Doc# WI-0010- Management_Enablement-V1_1oneM2M-WI-0010- management_enablement-V1_0_0
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Work ItemWork Item Title:* / Management eEnablement
Document Number* / oneM2M-WI-0010- mManagement_ eEnablement- V1_0_01
Supporting Members or Partner type 2* / Alcatel-Lucent (ETSI), Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.(CCSA, ETSI), InterDigital Communications (ATIS), LG Electronics (TTA), NEC Europe (ETSI),Samsung Electornics (ETSI)
Date:* / 2013-10-172014-10-08
Abstract:* / The work item creation proposal is to define the specification for management related resources, protocols and interfaces.
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Management enablement
Technical Specifications
Impact on other Technical Specifications and Technical Reports
oneM2M-TS-0001 -Functional _Architecture
The aFunctional Architecture TS defines the management related resources and message flows that can be realizedusing various management technologies.
The work in the proposed in this work item is to give detailed specification on the usage of those management related resources and message flows for each management technology based on the content defined in the architecture TS.
To guarantee the consistency between the delivered TS from this WI and the Functional Aarchitecture TS, there may be modifications to the Functional Aarchitecture TS to texts describing the resources and message flows related to management.
oneM2M-TS-0004 -Service Layer Protocol Core Specification
The Service Layer Pprotocol TS Core Specification describes general management protocol and message formats regarding the management related resources and message flows.
The work in this proposed work item is focused on the message formats and procedures of specific management technologies (e.g., OMA-DM, TR-069, LWM2M).
The work in the proposed work item needs to be aligned with the general message formats and procedures in the protocol TS to guarantee the consistency.
Impact on other oneM2M Work Items;
oneM2M-WI -0002 -Architecture
The proposed WI may influence the architecture TS which may need joint sessions or support from WG2 experts.
oneM2M-WI -0009 -Protocols-TS Development
The proposed WI may influence the Service Layer Pprotocol Core Specification TS which may need joint sessions or support from WG3 experts.
Specify oneM2MProtocols & APIs for management specific to individual management technologies (e.g., OMA DM, BBF TR-069, LWM2M).
The specification(s) will cover:
- Per individual management technology, specifying the usage of the management related resources and the message flows including normal cases as well as error cases to fulfil the management related requirements defined in requirements TS over the Mca,Mcc andMcn reference point.
Mapping of oneM2M management relatedresources to the resourcesfrom individual management technologies (e.g., OMA DM, BBF TR-069, LWM2M resources).
Protocol translation from oneM2M service layer to the individual management technologies. The Mcareference point, ms interface and la interface are possiblyinvolved in thisprotocol translation.
Note: since the ms interface and la interfacehave not been specified, this can impact the work of the protocol translation.
- Potentialresource definitionsfor the individual management technologiesto fulfil the oneM2M management requirements.
Provide the schedule of tasks to be performed;
DocType / Spec Number / Title / Milestone dates / Primary Responsible / Notes
Start / Change Control / Freeze / Approval
TS / 0005 / Management enablement(OMA) / TP#8 / TP#11 / TP#11 / TP#12 / WG5 / The work in the WI is based on the work in WG2 and has different focus compared to WG3
TS / 0006 / Management enablement(BBF) / TP#8 / TP#11 / TP#11 / TP#12 / WG5 / The work in the WI is based on the work in WG2 and has different focus compared to WG3
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.;Alcatel-Lucent; LG Electronics, InterDigital Communications, NEC Europe, Samsung Electornics
Work Item Rapporteurs.
TS-0005: SeungKyu Park (LG Electronics), Jiaxin Yin (Huawei Technologies)
TS-0006: Timothy Carey (Alcatel-Lucent)
This clause shall be the last one in the documentand list the main phases (all additional information will be removed at the publication stage).
Document history<Version> / <Date> / <Milestone>
V1.0.0 / 17September 2013 / Initial proposal
V1.1 / 08 October 2014 / Updated inline with TP-2014-0503, agreed in TP 13
2013 oneM2M Partners