Parent / Student / School Compact 2016-17

Education research has shown that parent involvement is one of the most powerful indicators of student academic success. A learning compact is an assignment among groups that firmly unites them. This is an invitation to be involved in a partnership with your child’s school. As partners we agree to the following:

I want my child to achieve; therefore, as a parent/guardian or family member I will:

Make sure that my child attends school every day, on time, and with homework completed

Ensure that my child gets adequate sleep and proper nutrition

Monitor my child’s TV viewing, internet, and electronic media

Try to provide a quiet place for studying

Monitor my child’s progress in school by reviewing progress reports every five weeks

Attend school events, such as Open House and Back to School Night

Communicate with the school regular through notes, phone calls, and/or conference


Print Parent Name Parent Signature Date

It is important that I work to the best of my ability; therefore, as a student I will be:

A responsible adult by following all school’s policies, such as discipline policy, dress code, and class rules

An effective communicator by regularly talking to my parent and my teacher about my progress in school

A product citizen by taking responsibility for my own actions, such as: attend class on time every day, be ready to learn and complete assignments

A lifelong learner by pursuing knowledge inside and outside of the classroom and ask for help and seek intervention programs, such as intersession and after school tutoring when needed

A collaborative worker by contributing to group projects and respecting the input of others

A problem solver who can apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information from a variety or sources


Print Student Name Student Signature Date

It is important that students achieve; therefore, as a teacher at James Monroe, together with my colleagues and my Smaller Learning Community I will strive to:

Develop critical thinking, grade-level literacy, and academic proficiency

Provide clear class expectations and grading system to students and their families

Enforce rules equitably and involve students in crafting a safe and positive learning environment

Monitor student progress and update parents regularly through notes, phone calls, and/or conferences

Provide high-quality instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet the State’s Student Academic Achievement Standards

Participate in professional development opportunities that improve teaching and learning and support the formation of partnerships with families and the community

Provide academic rigor and modern technological skills to prepare students upon graduation for entry-level positions and post-secondary programs in various career tech pathways such as: Arts, Media & Entertainment, Engineering & Design, Public Service, Fire Academy, and Law & Government


Advisory Teacher Name Advisory Teacher Signature Date