SEAC 2012 Proceedings:
Instructions for Contributors
The conference proceedingswill be published as a special issue of AnthropologicalNotebooks,official journal of the Slovene Anthropological Society ( the submissions will be subject to peer review. The contributors are kindly requested to carefully follow the instructions specified below, as they are intended to facilitate the publishing process, ensure the uniformity of contributions and their accordance with the style guidelines of Anthropological Notebooks.Any submission failing to comply with the following technical requirements will not be accepted for review until the author(s) correct(s) it accordingly.
Format and submittal requirements
The length of each contribution should be of up to 8000 words for invited talks, and up to 5000 words for other talks and posters. All texts must be written in English, using Times New Roman CE 12 font, double-spaced lines and A4/letter-sized pages with margins of 3 cm. Paragraphs must be left-aligned and indented rather than separated by an empty line. Foreign words (except proper names) should be italicised.
The text of each contribution should be submitted in a MSWord file (.doc or .docx), and the images in separate files (see below: Illustrations). Both the text and the illustration files mustbe labelled with the author’s surname (e.g.: Jones.docx; JonesFig1.tif etc.). Please send your contributions in electronic form to: ; large files may also be sent via YouSendIt, Dropbox or a similar service.
The deadline for submissions is November 30, 2012.
Titles must be short, informative, and understandable. The title should be followed by the name of the author(s), their position, institutional affiliation, complete mailing address for correspondence, and e-mail address(es).
Abstracts and keywords
The abstract, of 100 to 200 words, must give concise information about the objective, the method used, the results obtained, and the conclusions. Three to five keywords should follow the abstract.
Notes should also be double-spaced and used sparingly. They must be numbered consecutively throughout the text and assembled at the end of the article just before the references.
Short quotations (less than 30 words) should be placed in single quotation marks,but use double marks for quotations within quotations. Longer quotations should be placed in separate indented paragraphs without quotation marks, except for quotations within them (framedby single quotation marks).
Each contribution should contain no more than 10 illustrations (graphs, figures, maps, photographs) and tables. All illustrations will be printed in black and white. Tables formatted in Word, and with captions above them,can be integrated into the text underneath the paragraph in which they are referred to.Other figures (images)must be submitted in separate files (preferably in TIFF or JPEG formats) labelled with the author’s name and figure number (e.g.: JonesFig2.jpg),while the name of each figure and the explanatory legend should be inserted underneath the paragraph in which it isreferred to. Photographs should have a resolution of 300 dpi, and drawings 1200 dpi.If you want to use illustrations other than your own, it is your responsibility to obtain the necessary permissions, and to cite the copyright informationin thecorresponding illustration captions.
Use Harvard style (author year: page(s)) for references within the text, e.g:“(Malinowski 1922: 35; Turner 1980: 145ff)” or “According to Malinowski (1922: 35)”. Multiple citations should be separated by a semi-colon, e.g.: “(Aveni 1975; 2001: 88; Closs et al. 1984)”. Where an author has several publications from the same year, distinguish them by attaching“a”, “b” etc.The end-of-chapter bibliography, with the title “References”, should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors’ surnames; following are some examples of the required format:
Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1922. Argonauts of the Western Pacific. London: Routledge.
Turner, Victor. 1980. Social Dramas and Stories About Them. Critical Inquiry 7 (1): 141–68.
Tonkinson, Robert. 1988. 'Ideology and Domination' in Aboriginal Australia: A Western Desert Test Case. In: Tim Ingold, David Riches & James Woodburn (eds.), Hunters and Gatherers. Oxford: Berg, pp. 170–184.
Šprajc, Ivan, & Nikolai Grube. 2008. Arqueología del sureste de Campeche: Unasíntesis. In: Ivan Šprajc (ed.), Reconocimientoarqueológico en el surestedelestado de Campeche, México: 1996-2005. BAR International Series 1742 (Paris Monographs in American Archaeology 19), Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 263–275.
Morales-Aguilar, Carlos, & Richard D. Hansen. 2005. El ordendelespacio en la arquitecturaPreclásica de El Mirador, Peten, Guatemala. Paper presented at the I CongresoCentroamericano de Arqueología en El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador.
Final remark
In case of uncertainties, consult one of the published issues of Anthropological Notebooks( or direct your question to:.