茅ヶ崎方式ニュース英語サロン/ニュースOnline英会話 ~Presented by Jバイリンガル
英文読解★時事英会話 【上級】 2016年7~9月期 第7回 課題Topic
News Discussion Topic7【Advanced】 July-Sep, 2016
The Japan News July 27, 2016
Incomprehensible motive must be first clarified in murder of 19 disabled
- This is an appalling incident / that will go down in the history of crime.
- A man armed with knives / intruded into Tsukui Yamayuri-en, / a welfare facility for intellectually disabled people / in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, / attacking residents and others one after another. / Nineteen men and women aged from 19 to 70 were killed, / and 26 were seriously or slightly injured.
- It was a heinous predawn crime / in which the residents were attacked in their sleep. / How terrible and painful it must have been / when knives were suddenly thrust into their bodies.
- A former employee at the facility turned himself in / to Tsukui Police Station of the Kanagawa prefectural police / and was arrested on the spot / on suspicion of attempted murder and other charges. / The suspect admitted the charges, / and the prefectural police are investigating the incident, / changing the attempted murder charge to one of murder. / There was blood on knives he had with himself.
- There is a possibility / that the suspect smashed a window with a hammer / to intrude into the facility / and then tied up employees on the night shift with zip ties / before committing the murders. / Deliberate planning can be seen in the incident.
- The puzzling thing is the motive. / The man gave a statement to police / to the effect that he wanted disabled people to disappear / according to investigative sources.
- There were indications the crime would be committed. / On Feb. 14 and 15, / the man took a letter / to the official residence of the speaker of the House of Representatives in Tokyo, / in which he apparently warned / that he would commit the crime at night. / The Metropolitan Police Department transferred the case / to Tsukui Police Station.
- The man told officers at the police station / that he would kill severely disabled people at any time, / and the police station notified the Sagamihara city government.
- On Feb. 19, the city ordered the man to be hospitalized / as an emergency measure / because he was in danger of harming himself or other people. / On the same day, the man voluntarily quit his job at the facility, / where he had worked for more than three years. / It has been learned / that he made disparaging remarks about people with disabilities / when he was working there. / Knowing how and why he quit the job / will be key to clarifying the motive.
- The man tested positive for cannabis in a drug test / when he was hospitalized, / but the city discharged him from the hospital on March 2 / based on the hospital’s diagnosis / that he had no symptoms. / It is indispensable to examine the decision made by the city / to discharge him from the hospital / and city’s handling of him after his discharge.
- It is a matter of great regret for society / that it could not prevent such a terrible rampage. / In response to the incident, / Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said emphatically, / “The government will put all its efforts into finding out the truth.”
- Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga indicated / preventive measures would be discussed among related ministries and agencies, / with the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry at the center. / To that end, it is a prerequisite/ that the Kanagawa prefectural police clarify the entire picture of the incident.
- Efforts should also be made to review / how prepared welfare facilities are to prevent crimes. / Do some facilities have a user-friendly open structure / that can become a blind spot in terms of crime prevention? / We urge facility administrators to strive / to swiftly check their security measures and improve them.
- Without the understanding of people in local communities, / welfare facilities cannot operate. In order for these facilities not to be isolated from their communities, / thorough measures must be taken / to prevent another such crime in the future.
–Questions for Reading Comprehension and Discussion –
- What do you think of the motive the man told police after the incident?
- Could police have arrested the man somehow before the crime?
- What should we do to prevent similar crimes in the future?
【単語と語句】9.disparaging(形)中傷的な 10.cannabis(名)大麻11.emphatically(副)きっぱりと 12.prerequisite(形)前もって必要な
-参考【日本語対訳】- 読売新聞 社説 2016年07月27日
障害者19人殺害 まずは不可解な動機の解明だ
- 犯罪史に残る
凄惨 な事件である。 - 神奈川県相模原市の知的障害者福祉施設「津久井やまゆり園」に刃物を持った男が侵入し、入所者らを次々と襲った。19~70歳の男女19人が死亡し、重軽傷者も26人に上った。
- 就寝中の入所者を狙った未明の凶行だった。突然、刃物を突き立てられた入所者の恐怖と苦痛は、いかばかりだったか。
- 施設の元職員の男が、県警津久井署に出頭し、殺人未遂容疑などで緊急逮捕された。男は容疑を認め、県警は殺人容疑に切り替えて取り調べる。所持する複数の刃物に血が付着していた。
- ハンマーで窓ガラスを割って侵入し、夜勤職員を結束バンドで縛って犯行に及んだ可能性がある。周到な計画性がうかがえる。
- 不可解なのは、動機である。男は取り調べに、「障害者なんていなくなればいい」という趣旨の供述をしているという。
- 予兆はあった。男は2月14日と15日、夜間の犯行を予告するような手紙を東京の衆院議長公邸に持参し、警視庁が津久井署に対応を引き継いでいた。
- 男が「重度障害者の殺人はいつでも実行する」と話したため、津久井署は相模原市に通報した。
- 市は「自傷他害の恐れがある」として2月19日、緊急措置入院を命じ、男はこの日、3年余り勤めた施設を自主退職した。在職時にも、障害者を
冒涜 するような発言があったという。退職に至った経緯が動機解明のカギとなろう。 - 入院時の検査では、大麻の薬物反応も確認されたが、市は3月2日、「症状がなくなった」とする病院の診断に基づき、男を退院させた。この判断と、その後の対応について検証が不可欠だ。
- これほどの重大な殺傷事件を許したことは、社会にとって痛恨事である。事件を受け、安倍首相は「真相究明に政府としても全力を挙げていく」と強調した。
- 菅官房長官は、厚生労働省を中心に、関係省庁間で再発防止策を検討する方針を示した。そのためには、神奈川県警が事件の全容を解明することが前提となる。
- 福祉施設の防犯態勢の再点検も進めるべきだ。利用者にとって使いやすい開放的な構造が、防犯上の盲点となっているケースなどはないか。施設管理者は確認を急ぎ、改善に努めてもらいたい。
- 地域住民の理解なしに、福祉施設は成り立たない。施設が地域から孤立しないためにも、事件の再発防止を徹底せねばならない。