Nutrition Minerals Review

1.  What are the two types of minerals?

2.  What is another term for microminerals?

3.  What is the chemical symbol for Phosphorus?

4.  What is its primary function?

5.  Does phosphorus provide energy?

6.  What are some signs of phosphorus deficiency?

7.  What is a bone condition that is seen with phosphorus deficiency?

8.  Explain how phosphorus excess can cause urinary stones.

9.  Where else can phosphorus excess be seen?

10.  What will happen with bones with phosphorus excess?

11.  Why does phosphorus excess cause hyperthyroidism?

12.  What species will you see hyperthyroidism most?

13.  What is the symbol for calcium?

14.  What are some benefits of phosphorus?

15.  Explain the role of calcium in muscle function.

16.  What are the other functions of calcium?

17.  What are some signs of calcium deficiency?

18.  What are some signs of calcium excess?

19.  What is the medical term for kidney disease?

20.  What part of the body may enlarge with calcium excess?

21.  What is tetany? What is convulsions?

22.  What is the ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus?

23.  What is Ms. Huff’s favorite mineral?

24.  What are some functions of potassium?

25.  What is the chemical sign for potassium?

26.  What are some signs of potassium deficiency?

27.  Can you overdose on potassium nutritionally?

28.  What is paresis?

29.  What is NaCl?

30.  What is a major job of NaCl?

31.  What are the other functions of NaCl?

32.  What is osmotic pressure?

33.  What are some signs of NaCl deficiency?

34.  What are some signs of NaCl excess?

35.  What is the mineral that is a component of bone but bone can be made without it?

36.  What is the chemical symbol for magnesium?

37.  What are other functions of magnesium?

38.  What are signs of magnesium deficiency?

39.  What are signs of magnesium excess?

40.  What area of the body may calcify with a magnesium deficiency?

41.  What is the chemical symbol for magnesium?

42.  (Possible test question) Which of the following are functions of zinc OR which of the following minerals does (blank) job?

43.  What are some signs of zinc deficiency?

44.  What two energy producing nutrients does manganese assist with activation?

45.  What are the deficiencies of manganese?

46.  Is manganese toxic?

47.  What is the chemical symbol of manganese?

48.  What does selenium interact with in the body?

49.  What is the chemical symbol for selenium?

50.  What are the symptoms of selenium deficiency?

51.  What are the symptoms of selenium excess?

52.  What are the functions of iodine?

53.  What are symptoms of iodine deficiency?

54.  What are the symptoms of iodine excess?

55.  What is the definition of apathy?

56.  What is myxedema?

57.  What mineral assists in activation of oxygen and carbon dioxide transport?

58.  What is the chemical symbol for iron?

59.  What blood condition may result from iron deficiency?

60.  Is it a true anemia? What makes it anemia?

61.  What are other signs of iron deficiency?

62.  What are the signs of iron excess?

63.  Why is anorexia a sign for excess?

64.  What is the mineral that is a catalyst of hemoglobin formation?

65.  What is cellular respiration?

66.  What are the other functions of copper?

67.  What is the chemical symbol for copper?

68.  What are the signs of copper deficiency?

69.  What are the signs of copper excess?

70.  What breed was especially sensitive to copper?

71.  Macrominerals are measured in the diet how?

72.  Microminerals are measured in the diet how?

73.  What is signalment?

74.  What does antagonistic mean>

75.  What does synergistic mean?

76.  The majority of our minerals perform a synergistic or antagonistic function in the body?