

Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa ‘Utoikamanu


High Representative

for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries

and Small Island Developing States

Closing Remarks

At the National Focal Points Meeting

Friday, 14 July 2017, 4:10 p.m.

Conference Room 11

Ms. Satu Santala, Director General of the Department for Development Policy of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Excellencies, Distinguished National Focal Points,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have come to the conclusion of this National Focal Points Meeting. While I was not able to be with you throughout the discussions, I understand that the two days have been very productive.

At the outset, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Government of Finland for sponsoring this event and making it possible for National Focal Points to share experiences, challenges and lessons learned on accelerating and monitoring the implementation of the Istanbul Plan of Action (IPoA). Such meetings also provide my Office an opportunity to engage with the National Focal Points and have a better understanding of national-level experiences in the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action and other global development frameworks.

Allow me to also thank all participants for holding very comprehensive and engaging discussions on how to accelerate the implementation and ensure continuous monitoring of the IPoA. We all agree that this is not an easy task.

As discussed during this meeting, there is need for accelerated implementation of the IPoA in order to meet the objectives by 2020. However, LDCs also have to implement the 2030 Agenda as well as other continental and regional Agendas.

While all these development frameworks and agreements present significant opportunities for LDCs, their implementation and monitoring present real challenges. Among other activities, you have to contend with monitoring various indicators and producing multiple reports.

I am therefore very pleased that despite these challenges, many of you are finding ways of building coherence and synergy in the implementation and follow-up of the IPoA in the context of the 2030 agenda. In this regard, we are all encouraged by the growing number of LDCs that have signed up for the Voluntary National Reviews for the 2030 Agenda. Six LDCs will present their reviews during next week’s segment of the High Level Political Forum. Last year, four LDCs participated in the reviews.

While the IPoA is mentioned in some of the Voluntary National Reviews conducted by LDCs, I would like to encourage all LDCs to also incorporate the IPoA perspectives when conducting the Voluntary National Reviews.

Distinguished National Focal Points,

Ladies and gentlemen,

With only three years remaining for implementing the IPoA, some progress has been made. However, LDCs as a group are lagging behind on a number of targets, including the following:

§  meeting the 7 per cent target on annual growth in gross domestic product;

§  eradicating poverty;

§  doubling the share of LDCs’ exports in global exports by 2020;

§  significantly increasing the share of electricity generation through renewable energy sources; and

§  providing universal access to the Internet by 2020

Thus, LDCs have a lot to achieve in the remaining three years. Clearly, there is need to urgently step-up implementation as well as strengthen the monitoring process. The importance of continued national commitment and leadership and strong international support, including in the areas of development finance, trade, technology and technical assistance, cannot be overemphasised.

Distinguished National Focal Points,

In my new role as USG for OHRLLS, one of the issues I would like to promote in the years to come is localization of the internationally agreed global frameworks, such as the SDGs. It is my view that the implementation of these global frameworks will accelerate progress towards the goals and targets of the Istanbul Programme of Action. In this regard, your role as National Focal Points is very important to me as you are the direct link between these global processes and national-level implementation.

Therefore, I am grateful to you for sharing experiences on what is working well at the national level, the challenges you are facing in implementing the IPoA as well as, challenges faced in executing your roles as National Focal Points. My staff and I will discuss further the proposals highlighted in the last session of this meeting. We will then communicate to you some of the initial actions that we will be implementing to support your role.

In addition, we can build on the good work that has already been started. I am very pleased to note that in the past few months, many of you participated in the regional meetings on energy held in Africa and Asia and, the regional meeting on broadband held in Africa. My Office will soon be holding a regional meeting on broadband for Asia and the Pacific LDCs. The respective National Focal Points will be informed as soon as the preparations are more concrete.

Once more, I am very encouraged by the strong engagement and substantive interactive discussions held on many of the IPoA priority areas. It is indeed an indication of the optimism and spirit of commitment with which you approach this ambitious and comprehensive programme of action.

I thank you for your kind attention and look forward to working with you in the coming years.