Ministry in the Diocese of Sheffield

Grants for ministers to attend non-diocesan courses and retreats as part of their Ongoing Ministerial Development


Name (Capital letters please) Click here to enter text.

Address: Click here to enter text.

Post Code: Click here to enter text.

Telephone:Click here to enter text.

Email: Click here to enter text.

Title of Course ☐Retreat☒ Sabbatical Plan☐Click here to enter text.

Date:Click here to enter text.

Venue: Click here to enter text.

Agency/Organisation Responsible: Click here to enter text.

Course Fee: Click here to enter text.

Will the PCC contribute to the cost? Yes ☐ No☐

If yes how much? Click here to enter text.

Have you sought any other grants towards the cost of this venture? Click here to enter text.

SIGNATURE: Click here to enter text.

DATE: Click here to enter text.

For voluntary lay ministers only

What is your ministry? Click here to enter text.

Does the PCC support this venture? Click here to enter text.

Please ask your Parish Priest or PCC Secretary to sign here

to signify PCC support

Signature: Click here to enter text.

All applicants please answer the questions overleaf

For all applicants;

What training needs do you expect this course to meet?

In what ways might the event contribute to your ministerial development?

Does this venture relate to any goals now agreed as part of your parish strategy for

mission and ministry?

How is this training/event/retreat suited to you? What experience or previous training, if any, makes this particular course appropriate for you?

For stipendiary clergy and stipendiary lay workers only;

When was the last Episcopal Review of Ministry?

Click here to enter text.

What training needs did you recognise from that?


Please return the completed form to: Revd Dr Bill Goodman, Director of Ongoing Ministerial Development, Diocesan Church House, 95-99 Effingham Street, Rotherham S65 1BL.

Or email to


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